
Web graphical user interface for Metadata handling

pip install heidelberg-metadata-gui==0.1.2



This project has been funded by SFB 1158 (https://www.sfb1158.de/ , Project identifier (German Research Foundation (DFG) - project number 255156212)

Metadata standardization GUI. Makes it easy to edit metadata related to neurophysiological experiments.

PyPI version Full Tests License


It is recommended that you install heidelberg-metadata-gui in a clean environment, for example with conda:

$ conda create -n env_heidelberg python=3.7 pip

In your clean environment, just pip install:

$ pip install heidelberg-metadata-gui

To install from the repository:

$ pip install git+https://github.com/catalystneuro/heidelberg-metadata-gui


Navigate to the directory where your dataset is stored, then run from command line:

$ metadata-gui

On your browser, navigate to localhost:5000.

You can run metadata-gui with optional arguments, for example, to start it with a specific schema file and run the server on a specific port:

$ metadata-gui --schema_path /home/user/my_schema.json --port XXXX

Running on docker

  • Build docker with:
docker build -t heidelberg:latest .
  • run the docker with (this will reference a local folder to docker):
docker run -it -p 5000:5000 -v /host/path/to/filesFolder:/usr/src/heidelberg_metadata_gui/files <image_id>

Your referenced local folder will be in the files folder of the docker