
A collection of tools to make Mercurial (even more) user friendly

pip install hg-easy==0.9.4


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	class="title"><h1>Mercurial-easy</h1><h2>Ui Love For Hg</h2></div>
<div class="kiwiContent"><div class='content'><div class="section" level="1"><h1 class="heading"><span class="number"><span class="level0">1<span class="lastDot dot">.</span></span></span>What is it ?</h1><div class="level1"><p>Even though it's documented <a href="http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/EasycommitExtension" class="external">here</a> and <a href="http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/EasymergeExtension" class="external">here</a> the <span class='term'>Mercurial-Easy</span> project aims at providing a set of cool tools to make your life easier.</p><p>Mercurial Easy provides <em>command-line GUIs</em> for commiting and merging (operations you surely do daily), which provide both instant feedback, useful information and easy of use.</p><p>Also, you can enjoy the fact that these tools are written in Python too and are released under the BSD license.</p><p>We've been enjoying Mercurial-Easy since 2006 !</p></div></div><div class="section" level="1"><h1 class="heading"><span class="number"><span class="level0">2<span class="lastDot dot">.</span></span></span>How does it look like ?</h1><div class="level1"><p>See it for yourself !</p><p><img src='http://www.ivy.fr/mercurial/easy/commit.png'/></p><p><img src='http://www.ivy.fr/mercurial/easy/merge.png'/></p></div></div><div class="section" level="1"><h1 class="heading"><span class="number"><span class="level0">3<span class="lastDot dot">.</span></span></span>How to install ?</h1><div class="level1"><p>First you should get the <a href="http://www.ivy.fr/mercurial/easy/mercurial-easy-latest.tar.gz" class="external">latest tarball</a> if you don't alrady have it. Of course you need <a href="http://www.python.org" class="external">Python</a> and <a href="http://www.selenic.com/mercurial" class="external">Mercurial</a> too (but we don't support 0.9.5 yet).</p><p>Then, you can unpack your tarball, cd into it, and start doing this:</p><pre> python setup.py install</pre><p>or</p><pre> python setup.py intall --prefix=~/where/you/want</pre><p>You will then have the following modules installed:</p><ul><li><code>easyhg</code> the Mercurial-Easy project </li><li><code>urwid</code> a library required by Mercurial-Easy </li><li><code>urwide</code> another library also required by Mercurial-Easy </li><li><code>easymerge.py</code> which is a script that you should use when mergeing</li></ul><p>To know where Mercurial-Easy is installed, simply do:</p><pre>python -c 'import os,easyhg;print os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(easyhg.__file__))'</pre><p>For me it will tell you that it is installed here:</p><pre>/Users/sebastien/Local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/easyhg</pre><p>You can now edit your <code>~/.hgrc</code> file:</p><pre>[ui]
mergetool = ~/Projects/Mercurial-Easy/Sources/easyhg/easymerge.py

# Mercurial-Easy tools
commit    = ~/Projects/Mercurial-Easy/Sources/easyhg/easycommit.py
changes   = ~/Projects/Mercurial-Easy/Sources/easyhg/easychanges.py
project   = ~/Projects/Mercurial-Easy/Sources/easyhg/easyproject.py</pre><p>And you can disable any of these, of course !</p></div></div></div></div>
