
Hikikomori is transmission based torrent automation tool

pip install hikikomori==0.0.0.dev1



The latest PyPI release

Hikikomori is transmission based torrent automation tool. You can download Anime from NyaaTorrents by transmission automatically.


You must install Python 3.4 or higher, sqlite and transmission-daemon before install.


It's simple. Try it.

$ pip3.4 install hikikomori


I recommand use virtualenv because it use various libraries and frameworks. It can cause Dependency hell. You can solve it by virtualenv and use it simply by virtualenvwrapper.


You can configure hikikomori by python file or yaml file.

Require Attributes

HIKIKOMORI_DIR: The place where database and pid file. Need permission to read and write. Must write absolute path(full path).

Optinal Attributes

TRANSMISSION_ADDRESS: Transmission RPC Address. Default value is 'localhost'.
TRANSMISSION_PORT: Transmission RPC Port. Default value is 9091.
TRANSMISSON_USER: Transmission User. Default value is None.
TRANSMISSON_PASSWORD: Transmission Password. Default value is None.
DAEMON_WAIT_TIME: Hikikomori daemon loop delay in second. Default value is 30.
DEBUG: Turn on/off. use True/False.

Make/Upgrade Database Schema

Run this.

$ alembic upgrade head

Run Daemon

Hikikomori is need daemon for underground works. It crawl and download torrent infinitely.

$ hikikomori daemon start -c (config file)

If you want to stop daemon, use this command.

$ hikikomori daemon stop -c (config file)

Add gathering tasks

You can use this command.

$ hikikomori add -c (config file) -p [Leopard-Raws] -p Aldnoah.Zero

It will download torrent file what its name contained [Leopard-Raws] and Aldnoah.Zero.

You can also use -r option to regex pattern. (Not need additional /)

List and remove gathering tasks

$ hikikomori list -c (config file)
$ hikikomori remove -c (config file) [IDs]..

Why its name is hikikomori?

I think this daemon run at users home and never go out and always needs Anime and download it. This image look like hikikomori. So I named it. (lol)
