
Python binding for generating `.pe` files, for use with Hilti-Profis software.

building-design, concrete, python, structural-engineering
pip install hilti_profis==0.0.3


Hilti Profis

Python binding for generating `.pe` files, for use with Hilti-Profis software.

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Table of Contents

1. About the Project

1.1. Features

  • Create new custom .pe files
  • Modify part/whole of existing .pe file
  • Add load cases to anchor design

2. Getting Started

2.1. Prerequisites

Python 3.11 or above

2.2. Dependencies

Create the virutual environment and install dependencies

  pip install flit

2.3. Installation

2.3.1. From github

Get the latest version directly from github

  git clone https://github.com/rpakishore/Hilti-Profis.git
  cd Hilti-Profis
  pip install flit
  flit install --deps production

2.3.2. From Pypi

  pip install hilti_profis

2.4. Development

Download the git and install via flit

  git clone https://github.com/rpakishore/Hilti-Profis.git
  cd Hilti-Profis
  pip install flit
  flit install --pth-file

3. Usage

from hilti_profis.main import PE

anchor = PE()

#Change/Add values
anchor.Model['ProjectName'] = 'TestProject'
anchor.Model.Loads.Combos.add(Fx=1, Fy=1, Fz=2, Mx=1, My=2, Mz=3, LoadType='Seismic', Comment='LC1')    #Forces in N

anchor.Model.apply()            #Apply the changes
anchor.xml_content()            #Get contents of `.pe` file
anchor.save('nosync-test.pe')   #Save file to destination

6. License

See LICENSE for more information.

7. Contact

Arun Kishore - @rpakishore

Project Link: https://github.com/rpakishore/Hilti-Profis