
short house-keeping tetrizoid for 2019 global game jam

game, gamejam, pygame
pip install homekeeper-game==1.0.2


What if home for you?

Werever it is, you have to keep it at least somewhat clean! But dirty won't stop comming.

In this "join equal things so they vanish" variant, you have to actually swipe things up with a broom. Hold space to use your broom, arrow keys to just move around. When like-dirty is together, it will go away!


it is instalable in any system where Python 3.7 runs - just make sure you have "pip" working for your Python.

Just type pip install homekeeper-game - it should download the latest version along the required libraries. Then, just type python -m homekeeper to play.

The source code and future development of the game are at https://github.com/jsbueno/homekeeper

To install Python 3.7: https://python.org To install Python's pip for Windows: https://www.liquidweb.com/kb/install-pip-windows/ (Or preferably, create a virtualenv with python -m venv)

To install pygame and numpy: "pip install pygame numpy"

Playing the Game

The game itself has "Atarish" style graphics, and consists in random patches of dirty poping up in a run. You have to swype all then - putting patches from the same color together - once you have at least 4 patches of dirty of the same color clumped together, they will vanish.

To swype, move the broom up to behind the patch you want to move using the arrow keys, then press and hold the space bar while using the arrow keys to swype the dirty. You can move up to two patches of dirty in a row (but not three).

Also, you will findout that certain types of dust can't be stepped on, others need more than 4 clumps to vanish.

And rememember: if you manage to group more than 4 patches at once, you will be rewarded with extra points.