
A command line tool to split a file into horcruxes, so that the original can be recreated with at least k horcruxes

pip install horcruxes==2.7.post2



Totally unorignal, but smaller and faster.

horcruxes is a python package to split a file into n encrypted horcruxes, such that any k can be used to recreate the original file.

                    /————> filth.mp4_1_of_5.hcx 
                   /—————> filth.mp4_2_of_5.hcx —————\ 
  filth.mp4   ————<——————> filth.mp4_3_of_5.hcx ——————>———> filth.mp4
                   \—————> filth.mp4_4_of_5.hcx —————/
                    \————> filth.mp4_5_of_5.hcx 
                              (n=5, k=3)

How's it do that?

A secret is created and made into several shares using Shamir's Secret Sharing. Then, the secret is used to encrypt the content of the input file using AES-256.

Each horcrux file contains a short header and zero or more blocks of encrypted data. This data is then arranged in a "(k, 1) repetition code of blocks striped over n files". As an example, for n=5, k=3, where the file has been divided into seven blocks, the following file structure is created:

File 1 File 2 File 3 File 4 File 5
a a a b b
b c c c d
d d e e e
f f f g g
g - - - -

Any three files together contain at least a single copy of every block without having to create 5 copies of each block.


This module shows considerably faster and smaller results than the one I stole the idea from.

Tested on a 1GB file, n=10, k=8:

File size

Mine Other Ratio
Size per horcrux 300MB 1GB 3.3
Size for k horcruxes 2.4GB 8GB 3.3
Size of n horcruxes 3 GB 10 GB 3.3

The size per horcrux per horcrux is given by original size * (n-k+1)/n. The closer k is to n, the larger the size reduction.

Slower IO (HDD)

Test Mine Other Ratio
split 23.37s 706.43s 30.22
bind 14.93s 50.17s 3.36

Fast IO (SSD)

Test Mine Other Ratio
split 52.29s 130.52s 2.49
bind 9.67s 11.73 1.213

This tool shows faster results in both cases, largely due to the fewer IO operations required, but also because AES is ridiculously optimized.

Other improvements

It's now true to the actual Harry Potter lore, as you can create horcruxes with k=1.

But why?

Getting it

The entire repo is just a pip package, but it's also on PyPI:

pip install horcruxes


It's an absolutely unoriginal idea.

https://github.com/jesseduffield/horcrux — same as mine, but slower

http://point-at-infinity.org/ssss/ — similar concept, not meant for files

https://github.com/kndyry/horcrux — not entirely the same, this one requires n = k