
Finding HSV bounding values for tracking/masking an object.

hsv, opencv, cv2, mask, track, object, images, videos
pip install hsvpicker==4.0



Finding HSV bounding values for tracking/masking an object

How to find HSV bounding values to track or mask an object?.

This is the most common question as stated in opencv documentation. By using the hsvpicker we get a hsv bounding values by simply calling a function.


We can get lower and upper bounding hsv values by clicking the left button of a mouse on an image for which object we want to track or mask.


Getting it:

To download hsvpicker, either fork this github repo or simply use Pypi via pip.

    $ pip install hsvpicker

Using it:

STEP 1: import hsvpicker package
from hsvpicker.hsv import HSV
STEP 2: Create an object
bound = HSV('pass the image url')
STEP 3: Getting a HSV value

Image will display here, you will choose color by simply double clicking the mouse's left button on an image and then it finds hsv values of the respected color .(i.e The color which we want to track or mask). PRESS q to quit the window.

STEP 4 : Getting a bounding values
lower_bound,upper_bound = bound.get_boundings(h = 20,s = 50,v = 60)

You can fine tune color boundings by using h,s and v. Default values of h,s, and v are 20,50,60 respectively. This function returns numpy.ndarray.