Simple client for GitHub issues

github, bugs, cli'
pip install hubugs==0.13.1


hubugs - Simple client for GitHub issues

Development status Test state on master Coverage state on master Current PyPI release Supported Python versions Documentation Recent developments


I don’t really use GitHub anymore, so this package is somewhat orphaned. It should still work and I will fix bugs when they’re pointed out, but hubugs is frankly quite a low priority for me.


hubugs is a very simple client for working with GitHub’s issue tracker.


hubugs requires Python v3.5 or newer. hubugs’s mandatory dependencies outside of the standard library are click, html2text, httplib2, Jinja, misaka and Pygments.


Before hubugs can operate on issues you must generate an OAuth token. hubugs provides functionality to do this:

$ hubugs setup
GitHub user? [JNRowe]
GitHub password? <password>
Support private repositories? (Y/n) y
Configuration complete!


You can revoke the generated token at any time from the GitHub settings page.

If you wish to set the authorisation token from the command line you can use the HUBUGS_TOKEN environment variable. For example:

$ HUBUGS_TOKEN=xxx hubugs open


I’d like to thank the following people who have contributed to hubugs.


  • Ben Griffiths
  • Matt Leighton

Bug reports

  • Brandon Cady
  • Sorin Ionescu


  • James Gray
  • Jules Marleau
  • Siddiq Shamoon

If I’ve forgotten to include your name I wholeheartedly apologise. Just drop me a mail and I’ll update the list!


If you find any problems, bugs or just have a question about this package either file an issue or drop me a mail.

If you’ve found a problem please attempt to include a minimal testcase so I can reproduce the problem, or even better a patch!