
Pool executor supporting thread, process and async.

concurrent, thread
pip install hybrid-pool-executor==0.0.4


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HybridPoolExecutor is a parallel executor that supports thead, process and async three operating models at the same time.


import asyncio
import time
import random

from hybrid_pool_executor import HybridPoolExecutor

def solve(v: int) -> int:
    print(f"You give worker a value {v}")
    time.sleep(random.randint(1, 4))
    print(f"The square of value {v} is {v * v}")
    return v

async def solve_async(v: int) -> int:
    print(f"You give async worker a value {v}")
    await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(1, 4))
    print(f"The square of value {v} is {v * v}")
    return v

async def main():
    pool = HybridPoolExecutor()

    # run in a thread
    future0 = pool.submit(solve, 0)

    # run in a process by setting "_mode" to "process"
    future1 = pool.submit(solve, 1, _mode="process")
    # or you can use a more precise approach: submit_task
    future2 = pool.submit_task(solve, kwargs={"v": 2}, mode="process")

    # run in an async worker
    future3 = pool.submit(solve_async, 3)  # run as a coroutine
    # you can also submit a coroutine
    future4 = pool.submit(solve_async(4))
    # async function/coroutine can be executed in thread/process too
    # run coroutine in a thread
    future5 = pool.submit(solve_async(5), _mode="thread")
    # or in a process
    future6 = pool.submit(solve_async, 6, _mode="process")

    # all futures can be get either synchronously or asynchronously
    await future0  # result from a thread worker
    await future1  # result from a process worker
    future2.result()  # result from a async worker
    # ......

if __name__ == "__main__":