Hypercubes of (clumpy) AGN tori
Hypercat images at 2.2 (blue) and 30 micron (gold), and their composite.
Handle a hypercube of CLUMPY brightness maps and 2D projected dust maps. Easy-to-use classes and functions are provided to interpolate images in many dimensions (spanned by the model parameters), extract monochromatic or multi-wavelength images, as well as rotate images, zoom in and out, apply PSFs, extract interferometric signals, quantify morphologies, etc.
Robert Nikutta <robert.nikutta@gmail.com>, Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez, Kohei Ichikawa
Version of this document: 2022-09-24
Current version of the HYPERCAT package:
License and Attribution
HYPERCAT is open-source software and freely available at https://github.com/rnikutta/hypercat/ and https://pypi.org/project/hypercat/ under a permissive BSD 3-clause license .
In short, if you are using in your research any of the HYPERCAT software or its components, and/or the HYPERCAT model data hypercubes, and/or telescope pupil images, please cite these two papers:
Nikutta, Lopez-Rodriguez, Ichikawa, Levenson, Packham, Hönig, Alonso-Herrero, "Hypercubes of AGN Tori (Hypercat) -- I. Models and Image Morphology", ApJ (2021, accepted)
Nikutta, Lopez-Rodriguez, Ichikawa, Levenson, Packham, Hönig, Alonso-Herrero, "Hypercubes of AGN Tori (Hypercat) -- II. Resolving the torus with Extremely Large Telescopes", ApJ (2021, accepted)
Minimal install instructions
If you don't mind installing HYPERCAT and its dependencies into your current environment (real or virtual), simply run:
pip install hypercat
or, if you are installing over an older version:
pip install hypercat --upgrade
If you prefer to install HYPERCAT into a fresh new environment without affecting your existing Python installation, you can create a new environment in various ways.
If you are a user of conda / anaconda / miniconda / astroconda:
We recommend to update the conda-installled packages first (but you also first try to install HYPERCAT without updating):
conda update --all
After that:
conda create -n hypercat-env python=3.7.2
conda activate hypercat-env
pip install hypercat --upgrade
If you are a user of pyenv:
pyenv install 3.7.2
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install hypercat --upgrade
Installation trouble-shooting
HYPERCAT / CLUMPY model images and 2D dust cloud maps
Hypercat needs to access the hypercubes of Clumpy images and dust maps. They can be downloaded as hdf5 files from the link given at https://www.clumpy.org/images/ (which currently is ftp://ftp.tuc.noirlab.edu/pub/nikutta/hypercat/).
We offer several model files, which only differ in the wavelength range they cover:
File name | Size compressed / raw (GB) | Nwave | Wavelengths (micron) |
hypercat_20200830_all.hdf5 |
271 / 913 | 25 | all of the below |
hypercat_20200830_nir.hdf5 |
44 / 146 | 4 | 1.2, 2.2, 3.5, 4.8 |
hypercat_20200830_mir.hdf5 |
120 / 402 | 11 | 8.7, 9.3, 9.8, 10, 10.3, 10.6, 11.3, 11.6, 12, 12.5, 18.5 |
hypercat_20200830_fir.hdf5 |
65 / 219 | 6 | 31.5, 37.1, 53, 89, 154, 214 |
hypercat_20200830_submm.hdf5 |
42 / 146 | 4 | 350, 460, 690, 945 |
Download and unpacking
For example, the *_all.hdf5.gz
file contains the image hypercube at
all sampled wavelengths. This is the maximally compressed version of
the hdf5 file, which must be uncompressed on the user’s computer
system. To reduce the peak storage required on the target computer,
both steps can be executed in one go (all commands in a single line):
lftp -e 'set net:timeout 10; cat /pub/nikutta/hypercat/hypercat_20200830_all.hdf5.gz; bye' ftp.tuc.noirlab.edu | gunzip >
The program lftp
must be installed on the target system, and 913 GB
of space must be available on it (but only 271 GB of compressed data
will be downloaded).
File validation
One should also download the checksums file
and verify the hypercube file:
# this can take 30 minutes even on a modern computer
md5sum --ignore-missing -c hypercat_20200830.md5
hypercat_20200830_all.hdf5: OK
# or on MacOS and BSD variants
md5 hypercat_20200830_all.hdf5
#... and compare the printed hash with the one in the .md5 file
Pointing HYPERCAT to a model file
The software, and the example Jupyter notebooks (see below) will need to be instructed about the location of the model file(s). This is very easy to do upon loading the model file; the notebooks have several examples on how to accomplish this, e.g.
import hypercat as hc
fname = 'hypercat_20200830_all.hdf5' # use your local location to the HDF5 model file
cube = hc.ModelCube(fname,hypercube='imgdata') # use 'imgdata' for brightness maps, and 'clddata' for 2D cloud maps
Example Jupyter notebooks
Several Jupyter example notebooks demonstrate some of HYPERCAT's functionality. The easiest way to obtain them is to clone the HYPERCAT GitHub repository, and to run the notebooks from there. Cloning the repository will also download all necessary supplemental files used in some notebooks such as, e.g., the telescope pupil images and the dust opacity curve:
git clone https://github.com/rnikutta/hypercat.git # clone the git repository
cd hypercat/examples/ # change to the directory with example notebooks
jupyter-lab ./& # run the notebooks locally; JupyterLab must be installed
01-hypercat-basics.ipynb: Loading a model hypercube, generating model images, images at multiple wavelengths, images at multiple values of other model parameters, accessing cloud maps
02-hypercat-astro.ipynb: Adding physical units to images, world coordinate system, field of view and pixel scale operations, image rotation / position angle, saving to FITS files
03-hypercat-singledish.ipynb: Telescope pupil images (JWST, Keck, GMT, TMT, ELT), simulating observations with single-dish telescopes, noisy observations, Richardson-Lucy deconvolotuion, detector pixel scale, flux preservation, observations at multiple wavelengths
04-hypercat-morphology-intro.ipynb: Introduction to morphological measurements (on 2D Gaussians), image centroid, rotation, measuring size of emission features, elongation, half-light radius, Gini coefficient
05-hypercat-morphology-clumpy.ipynb: Morphology of the HYPERCAT model images; morphological sizes, elongation, centroid location; compare morphologies of of emission and their underlying dust distributions; from 2D cloud maps to real cloud numbers per LOS; photon escape probability along a LOS
User Manual
WARNING -- the User Manual is still work-in-progress:
For more detailed installation instructions and other usage examples, please see the HYPERCAT User Manual User Manual (in addition to the example Jupyter notebooks )
Bug fixes and feature contributions to HYPERCAT are welcome. Please make a pull request against the 'master' branch.