
Interactive tool for image pre-processing and automated pipeline creation

pip install imp3==0.1.4


imp3 (Image pre-preocessing pipeline) :

Interactive tool for image pre-processing and automated pipeline creation


run following command in terminal

pip install imp3

  • Above command will lauch the app on default port 8501.
  • Open the browser and go to http://localhost:8501
  • Select the image and then select the appropriate set of operations you want to perform on that perticular image.
  • play with the parameters interatively untill you reach at optimal configuration. --port 8080

Above command can be used to specify the port on which you want to run the app.


Following is the list of currently supported operations:

0. Resize input image

1. map the image to different color spaces

Folowwing methods are available:
a. 'rgb'
b. 'Gray scale'
c. 'hsv', 
d. 'lab', 
e. 'brg', 
f. 'ch_one',
g. 'ch_two',
h. 'ch_three',
i. 'merge_first_two_ch',
j. 'merge_last_two_ch', 
k. 'merge_last_first_ch'

2. change the brightness and contrast

3. Smoothingth

Folowwing methods are available:
a. avg
b. gaussian
c. median
d. bilateral

4. intensity histogram and histogram equalization

5. thresholding

Folowwing methods are available:
a. thresh
b. adaptive_thresh
c. otsu

6. edge detection

Folowwing methods are available:
a. sobel
b. laplasian
c. canny

7. dialate / erode

8. find countours

9. shape matching with Hu moment on contour

10. feature extraction

11. Feature Matching

12. Template matching and removal

Development tools:

  1. setuptools ( Used to create a python package
  2. pipreqs ( Used to create requirements.txt file
  3. twine ( Used to upload the package to
  4. Github Actions (): Used to automate the process of uploading the package to
  5. pytest ( Used to write unit tests
  6. wheel ( Used to create a wheel file