
A Python implementation of an Indexed Priority Queue (IPQ).

pip install indexed-priority-queue==0.1.1


Python Indexed Priority Queue

A Python implementation of an Indexed Priority Queue (IPQ).

An IPQ is like any regular priority queue. But it supports quick lookups, updates and deletions...on the fly.

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Time and space complexities

It is implemented as minimum binary heap. For indexing, it uses two additional dicts. So, in terms of memory space, it uses O(3 * n) -> O(n) space.

This data structure has the following time complexities:

Operation Description Time Complexity
push(key, priority) Enqueue a key with a priority O(log(n))
pop() -> key, priority Pop and retrieve the index with the highest priority (lowest value) O(log(n))
peek() -> key, priority Retrieve the key and priority with the highest priority, without popping it O(1)
delete(key) -> key, priority Delete a key O(log(n))
update(key, new_priority) Update the priority of a key O(log(n))
index(key) -> int Retrieve the index of the given key O(1)
key(index: int) Retrieve the key at the given index O(1)
priority(key) Retrieve the priority of the given key O(1)
__bool__ -> bool Determine if the queue is empty or not. Equivalent to is_empty() O(1)
__len__ -> int Returns the count of elements in the queue O(1)
__contains(key)__ -> bool Determine if the given key exists in the queue O(1)


  1. key is any typing.Hashable object
  2. priority is a numbers.Number
  3. index is an int


from indexed_priority_queue import IndexedPriorityQueue

# Initialize the queue
queue = IndexedPriorityQueue()

# Enqueue a few values
queue.push("John", 7)
queue.push("Maria", 3)
queue.push("Peter", 5)

key, priority = queue.peek()  # Maria, 3

queue.push("Kim", 2)
key, priority = queue.peek()  # Kim, 2

queue.update("Peter", 1)
key, priority = queue.peek()  # Peter, 1

assert len(queue) == 4  # True
key, priority = queue.delete("John")  # John, 7
assert len(queue) == 3  # True

key, priority = queue.pop()  # Peter, 1

key, priority = queue.peek()  # Kim, 2
index = queue.index("Kim")  # 0
key = queue.key(0)  # Kim
priority = queue.priority("Kim")  # 2

# Not empty, 2
if queue:
    print(f"Not empty, {len(queue)}")

# Max is not in the queue
if "Max" in queue:
    print("Max is in the queue")
    print("Max is not in the queue")
  • push raises KeyError if the key is already in the queue.
  • pop and peek raise IndexError if the queue is empty.
  • delete, update, index and priority raise KeyError if the key is not in the queue.
  • key raises KeyError if the given index does not exist.

Use any hashable object as key

You can use any typing.Hashable object as key, not just strings. For example:

queue.push(frozenset(["a", "b"]), 1)
queue.push((1, 2, 3), 2)