
Core library for the Infernal eSports Analytics Infernal library.

pip install infernal==0.0.0


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##A Logistic Regression Analysis of Win/Loss Conditions for Single League Matches

For a Regression Analysis course, we are tasked with a final research project- I have chosen to regress league summoner match data to answer the question: "Does First Blood, First Tower, or First Dragon yield a significant effect in a team winning or losing a single league match". Depending on my findings for this (more like these 3 separate) question, I would like to expand my research to include a Segmented Regression Model asking if over the span of an entire match, is there a point in which there will be an obvious winner based on only towers and dragons (objectives essentially, excluding kills).

This project is not meant to be groundbreaking, but rather to investigate if there are general objectives that regardless of play style or even summoner rank, that could immediately throw the game in favor of one team. My intuition points to "YES! OBVIOUSLY!", but I feel the answer might be a little more nuanced than a simple yes/no.