
Creates a user and database owned by that user

pip install initdb==0.5.0



Small package that creates a user and database owned by that user. Note that it works only with postgres database. Optionally it can:

  • wait for database connection to be ready


$ poetry add initdb


Use it from command line:

$ python -m initdb

In order to print its config:

$ python -m initdb print

Use it from other scripts:

import initdb as init

if init.db_is_ready(): # blocks script execution until database is ready

db_is_ready function will try to connect to database and using INITIAL_DATABASE_USER, PAPERMERGE_DATABASE_HOST, and PAPERMERGE_DATABASE_PORT. If there is an error during the connection e.g. database is not availble, it will block (infinit loop with one second delay between cycles) the script until connection succeeds. When connection successed it will create a user, a database owned by that user and will exit.

Environment Variables

InitDB reads its configuration from following environment variables.

  • INITIAL_DATABASE_USER - default value is postgres
  • INITIAL_DATABASE_PASSWORD - default value is an empty string
  • PAPERMERGE_DATABASE_HOST - default value is postgres
  • PAPERMERGE_DATABASE_NAME - database to be created
  • PAPERMERGE_DATABASE_PASSWORD - set this password for the newly created user
  • PAPERMERGE_DATABASE_PORT - default value is 5432
  • PAPERMERGE_DATABASE_USER - database user to be created