
To help you make inputs of different types in a more convenient manner

pip install inpt==0.0.5


What is this package for?

This package is to simplify the user to use the input function with different data types. For example, we can simplify this:

x = int(input("please insert a number"))


x = inpt.i(int,"please insert a number")

How to install it?

You can type this in the terminal or command prompt to install this package:

pip install inpt

Minumum requirement

python 3.5

Current version


How to use this version

To use this version, you will first need to import it like this:

from inpt import inpt

The format for the library and parameters is like this:

inpt.i(data_type, text for input)

Let's say we want to have a string input that wants the user to input their name. We can do it like this:

from inpt import inpt
c = inpt.i(str,"What is your name?")

The output will be:

What is your name?
<Insert a string here and press enter>

This version has to offer:

Automatic one line space after the input text