A tool for recursively describing all files in a directory.

pip install inspect-dense==0.2.5


inspect-dense by AI Models

inspect-dense is a Python package for recursively describing all python files in a directory. Provides a simple way to get a high-level overview of a project's codebase in a conscise format to minimize tokens used when developing code with AI systems.


You can install inspect-dense using pip:

Copy code

pip install inspect-dense


To use inspect-dense, simply import the describe_directory function from the package and pass it the directory path you want to describe:

python code

from inspect-dense import describe_directory  

directory = "/path/to/directory" 
output = describe_directory(directory)

The describe_directory function returns a dictionary with the following structure:

{     "/path/to/file.py": {         "functions": {             "function_name(args)": "Function docstring"         },         "classes": {             "Class1": {                 "methods": {                     "method1(args)": "Method docstring",                     "method2(args)": "Method docstring"                 }             },             "Class2": {                 "methods": {                     "method3(args)": "Method docstring",                     "method4(args)": "Method docstring"                 }             }         }     } }

Command Line Interface

inspect-dense also comes with a command line interface. You can use it to describe a directory and output the results to a file:

inspect-dense <directory> [--no-gitignore]

For example:

inspect-dense /path/to/directory --no-gitignore

This will output the results.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2 License - see the LICENSE file for details.