Financial Data Extraction from with Python

investing, investing-api, historical-data, financial-data, stocks, funds, etfs, indices, currency, crosses, bonds, commodities, crypto, currencies, hacktoberfest, investing-com, investing-python
pip install investpy==1.0.8


Investing Scrapper of continuous Spanish stock market

Since Investing does not have an API to retrieve historical data of the continuous spanish stock market, I decided to create a scrapper to retrieve that information. Mainly I decided to create this scrapper in order to get the exact data I want for my Final Degree Project in the University of Salamanca.

To sum up I want to let you know that this is not a professional scrapper, it's just a solution to solve my problem, but I will continue updating it, since this is just the pre-alpha version of it. So you will be able to retrieve more information indexed in Investing, as soon as I can do it.

Disclaimer: this is just for personal use, I am not related at all with Investing or any related company. This is just a piece of a research project made by me.