
IPyWidget wrappers to support rendering widgets on top of other widgets

widget, details-on-demand, overlay, ipywidget, jupyter
pip install ipyoverlay==0.1.0



Demo GIF of interacting with a plot with ipyoverlay A GIF demoing interaction with an ipympl Matplotlib figure. In the demo, Clicking a cluster opens a pop-up window with a new figure.

Figures rendered on top of other figures The background Matplotlib figure shown is rendered as an interactive ipympl widget and wrapped in IPyOverlay’s OverlayContainer, and shows a UMAP of clustered embeddings. Clicking a cluster or right-clicking and selecting an exhibit creates a click-and-draggable pop-up window containing a new visualization that plots more details for the selected cluster. Optionally, each pop-up window can show a line connecting the window to the center of the cluster it is associated with in the underlying figure.

Right click context menu Custom actions can be added as A right-click menu to any widget. This menu is specific to this Matplotlib UMAP and allows users to choose whether to open a violin or distribution plot for the hovered cluster.

Overlay widgets can span larger areas in the notebook If multiple separate “background” widgets (Matplotlib UMAP on the left and Plotly map on the right) are wrapped in an OverlayContainer, overlay widgets can be displayed and dragged over all of them.