
Framework for inference of regulation by miRNAs

miRvestigator, firm
pip install isb-firm==1.0.3


firm2 - integrated FIRM


This is a version of FIRM that was created with the goal of being easier to use for the general user. The FIRM pipeline is made available through a single command line command.

Known issues

Python 3.10 and MacOS X: Multiprocessing issue with shared memory can lead to unexpected results. If you experience unxepected errors please try Python 3.9

Docker image

A Docker image weiju/isb-firm with preinstalled FIRM is available on Docker Hub.

$ docker pull weiju/isb-firm
$ docker run -i -t weiju/isb-firm /bin/bash
$ cd home/firm-example
$ firm exp out

After the run you can compare the results in the out directory with the files in the archive firm2-out-20220909.tar.gz

They should be identical.


Install the firm from here:

  $ pip install firm

FIRM relies on a customized version of Weeder 1.4.2 that is included in the project source code.

Obtain the weeder-1.4.3.tar.gz from

which is distributed as a autoconf project, so you can use the common

configure / make / make install

sequence to install the Weeder suite.


Main firm tool

  $ firm -h
usage: firm [-h] [-ue] [-t TMPDIR] expdir outdir

firm - Run FIRM pipeline

positional arguments:
  expdir                expression input directory
  outdir                output directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ue, --use_entrez     input file uses entrez IDs instead of RefSeq
  -t TMPDIR, --tmpdir TMPDIR
                        temporary directory

Typically the firm pipeline will expect an input directory ("expdir") and an output directory. The input directory should contain one or more tab-separated files with the suffix ".sgn"


Their format should be

<Gene identifier><Tab><Group number>
<Gene identifier><Tab><Group number>


The -ue / --use_entrez switch is used if the input gene identifiers are in Entrez format, otherwise Refseq is used by default.

Pipeline Stages

Pipeline overview

The FIRM pipeline consists of 3 stages:

  1. Motif discovery: Based on the genes contained in the input clusters, finds common motifs using Weeder
  2. miRNA discovery: Tries to find miRNAs from using miRvestigator an HMM (Hidden-Markov-Model) based approach
  3. Matching with prediction databases: This step tries to find the miRNAs obtained in step 2 within target prediction databases, and provides a score. By default this will be PITA and TargetScan.

firm-convertminer tool

This is a tool to convert MINER regulon files in JSON format to FIRMs expected input format.

  $ firm-convertminer -h
usage: firm-convertminer [-h] regulons mappings outdir

firm-convertminer - convert MINER input files to a FIRM input directory

positional arguments:
  regulons    regulons file (JSON format)
  mappings    mappings file
  outdir      output directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

An Example Run

For this example, we will use the data in this projects "exp" directory. It looks like this


and the contents of the "AD_Lung_Beer.sgn" file is:

Gene    Group
NM_000014       32
NM_000015       23
NM_000016       6
NM_000017       10
NM_000018       56

The first column of the input files are gene identifiers and the second column contain the regulon/cluster numbers.

Assuming FIRM has been successfully installed on the user's system the pipeline can be run by

  $ firm exp example-out

This command runs all stages of the pipeline, which can take a few hours. The final and intermediate results will be found in the "example-out" directory after successfully running the pipeline.

  $ ls example-out

combinedResults.csv  filtered_TargetScan.csv  mergedResults_PITA.csv        miRNA       seqs.txt
filtered_PITA.csv    m2m_standalone.pkl       mergedResults_TargetScan.csv  pssms.json

The combinedResults.csv file is the most important file of the pipeline output.

For our example data set it would look something like this:

AD_Lung_Beer,31,hsa-miR-29a-3p_hsa-miR-29b-3p_hsa-miR-29c-3p,8mer,MIMAT0000086 MIMAT0000100 MIMAT0000681,hsa-mir-29 hsa-mir-29 hsa-mir-29b,0.2222222222222222,5.801169e-06,,hsa-mir-29b,0.12658227848101267,1.594762e-06,

You can download the reference result set at

to compare the output.