
iTerm2 click handler

pip install iterm2-dwim==0.0.3


iterm2-dwim is a click handler for iTerm2: you command-click on a file name in the iTerm2 terminal window, and it opens the file in your editor. If there was a line number, your editor goes to that line. So, compiler output, tracebacks, etc.

Currently, Emacs and Sublime are supported. To select an editor, enter "emacs" or "sublime" as the editor in "" and enter the path to emacsclient or subl.

The following path-like patterns are supported. For the ones with line numbers, the file will be opened at that line.

Pattern Type Status
/absolute/path/to/file Absolute path
relative/path/to/file Relative path
relative/path/to/file:336:1: Compiler / Linter etc output
a/relative/path/to/file In git diff output
"/absolute/path/to/", line 336, in some_function Python stack traces
> /path/to/ Python ipdb output


  1. Run brew install terminal-notifier and check it's working with terminal-notifier -message hello.

  2. (Optional, but relative paths won't be resolved without it): configure your shell prompt so that the current directory is written to a file named /tmp/cwd every time the prompt is displayed. For example, put this line in your ~/.bashrc:

    export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo $PWD > /tmp/cwd'
  3. Make sure that you are starting the emacs server in your emacs config file:

    (require 'server)
    (unless (server-running-p) (server-start))
  4. Clone this repo and run python develop.

  5. Find the absolute path to the iterm2-dwim executable, by running the command which iterm2-dwim. For example, on my system, this is /usr/local/bin/iterm2-dwim.

  6. Open iTerm2 settings, click on "Profiles", select your profile, click on the "Advanced" tab for that profile, and do two things (see screenshots below):

    1. In the "Smart Selection" section, click "Edit", select the "Paths" rule, click "Edit Actions", click "+" to add an action, choose "Run Command" and enter /absolute/path/to/iterm2-dwim \0 \d as the "Parameter".
    2. In the "Semantic History" section, choose "Run command" and enter /absolute/path/to/iterm2-dwim \1 \4.
    3. Make sure you didn't literally enter /absolute/path/to/ -- the path should be the path from step (5), given by which iterm2-dwim.
  7. ⌘-click on things!

Your iTerm2 settings should look something like this:




This is under development and you will encounter problems initially. Probably, you'll command click on something and nothing will happen.

You can't use ipdb to debug it: the python process is started by iTerm2 and is not attached to your terminal's standard input/output. Similarly, note that the python process inherits its environment from the iTerm2 process and thus does not have access to environment modifications made in your shell config file.

It writes a log: run tail -f /tmp/iterm2-dwim.log.

Problem Fix
Command '['which', 'emacsclient']' returned non-zero exit status 1 Edit iterm2_dwim/editors/ so that it hard codes the absolute path to emacsclient on your system.