
pip install iterpy==1.9.0



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Python has implemented map, filter etc. as functions, rather than methods on a sequence. This makes the result harder to read and iterators less used than they could be. iterpy exists to change that.

You get this πŸ”₯:

from iterpy import Iter

result = Iter([1,2,3]).map(multiply_by_2).filter(is_even)

Instead of this:

sequence = [1,2,3]
multiplied = [multiply_by_2(x) for x in sequence]
result = [x for x in multiplied if is_even(x)]

Or this:

result = filter(is_even, map(multiply_by_2, [1,2,3]))


pip install iterpy


from iterpy import Iter

result = (Iter([1, 2])
            .filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
            .map(lambda x: x * 2)
assert result == [4]

Prior art

iterpy stands on the shoulders of Scala, Rust etc.

Other Python projects have had similar ideas:

  • PyFunctional has existed for 7+ years with a comprehensive feature set. It is performant, with built-in lineage and caching. Unfortunately, this makes typing non-trivial, with a 4+ year ongoing effort to add types.
  • flupy is highly similar, well typed, and mature. I had some issues with .flatten() not being type-hinted correctly, but but your mileage may vary.
  • Your library here? Feel free to make an issue if you have a good alternative!




  • Make it work: Concise syntax borrowed from Scala, Rust etc.
  • Make it right: Fully typed, no exceptions
  • Make it fast:
    • Concurrency through .pmap
    • (Future): Caching
    • (Future): Refactor operations to use generators
  • Keep it simple: No dependencies

API design

As a heuristic, we follow the APIs of:

In cases where this conflicts with typical python implementations, the API should be as predictable as possible for Python users.


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  5. Done! Easy as that.

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