The ITSI Command Line Interface (CLI)

pip install itsicli==0.0.38


The ITSI Command Line Interface (CLI)

Setup Virtualenv

python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment

source /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate

Install the Python package

pip install --upgrade itsicli

Using "itsi-content-pack"

The itsi-content-pack command that is shipped with the Python package assists in creating and managing ITSI Content Packs.

The general end-to-end workflow is as follows:

  1. Initialize a Content Pack workspace
  2. Create a Content Pack (or optionally import from an ITSI backup file)
  3. Continue to add, remove, or edit content from the Content Pack
  4. Add any supporting Splunk knowledge objects (lookups, transforms, props, etc.)
  5. Validate the Content Pack through the validate command
  6. Submit the Content Pack to either:
    • Splunkbase (must first run the build command)
    • The ITSI Content Library via a pull request on Github

An example of creating a Content Pack


Build the distribution archive

Install the build dependencies:

pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel

Generate the Python package

Run this command to generate the Python distribution archive:


Upload to the Python Package Index

Install the dependencies required for uploading to the index:

pip install --upgrade twine

Upload to PyPI:

make upload