
Convenience wrapper around Jinja for scripts

pip install j2scr==1.0.1


j2scr: Avoid Jinja2 boilerplate for small scripts

This is a very simple package that wraps Jinja2. The purpose is to avoid boilerplate for micro-scripts that use jinja. This is achieved by setting a default jinja environment, and a loader searching relatively (unless an absolute path is given), and providing utility functions render, render_to_file, and set_options.

Use as such:

from j2scr import render, render_to_file, set_options

# You can render into a variable
string_with_content = render("../my_template.txt.j2", var=2, var2='Michael')
# Or into a file
render_to_file("../my_template.txt.j2", "my_content.txt" var=2, var2='Michael')

# You can change the loader/environment parameters (do it before rendering, of course):
set_options(encoding="latin-1", trim_blocks=True)
# Alternatively the environment and loaders are available as attributes.

If for some reason you want the minimalism of j2scr but without the global settings (eg. for a class), you can use the j2scr.J2Scr class which works the same way but has it's own env and loader.