
Stochastic Gradient Monte Carlo in Jax

pip install jax-sgmc==0.1.4


Modular Stochastic Gradient MCMC for Jax

Introduction | Implemented Solvers | Features | Installation | Contributing

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JaxSGMC brings Stochastic Gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo (SGMCMC) samplers to JAX. Inspired by optax, JaxSGMC is built on a modular concept to increase reusability and accelerate research of new SGMCMC solvers. Additionally, JaxSGMC aims to promote probabilistic machine learning by removing obstacles in switching from stochastic optimizers to SGMCMC samplers.

Quickstart with solvers from alias.py

To get started quickly using SGMCMC samplers, JaxSGMC provides some popular pre-built samplers in alias.py:


Modular SGMCMC solvers

JaxSGMC aims to increase reusability of SGMCMC components via a toolbox of helper functions and a modular concept:

In the simplest case of employing a pre-built sampler from alias.py, the user only needs to provide the computational model, consisting of functions for Prior and Likelihood. Schedulers allow to change sampler properies over the course of the training. Advanced users may build custom samplers from given components.

Data Input / Output under jit

JaxSGMC provides a toolbox to pass reference data to the computation and save collected samples from the Markov chain.

By combining different data loader / collector classes and general wrappers it is possible to read data from and save samples to different data types via the mechanisms of JAX's Host-Callback module. It is therefore also possible to access datasets bigger than the device memory.

Saving Data:

  • HDF5
  • Numpy .npz

Loading Data:

  • HDF5
  • Numpy arrays
  • Tensorflow datasets

Computing the stochastic potential

Stochastic Gradient MCMC requires the evaluation of a potential function for a batch of data. JaxSGMC allows to compute this potential from likelihoods accepting only single observations and batches them automatically with sequential, parallel or vectorized execution. Moreover, JaxSGMC supports passing a model state between the evaluations of the likelihood function, which is saved corresponding to the samples, speeding up postprocessing.


Basic Setup

JaxSGMC can be installed via pip:

pip install jax-sgmc --upgrade

The above command installs Jax for CPU. To run JaxSGMC on the GPU, the GPU version of JAX has to be installed. Further information can be found here: Jax Installation Instructions

Additional Packages

Some parts of JaxSGMC require additional packages:

  • Data Loading with tensorflow:
    pip install jax-sgmc[tensorflow] --upgrade
  • Saving Samples in the HDF5-Format:
    pip install jax-sgmc[hdf5] --upgrade

Installation from Source

For development purposes, JaxSGMC can be installed from source in editable mode:

git clone git@github.com:tummfm/jax-sgmc.git
pip install -e .[test,docs]

This command additionally installs the requirements to run the tests:

pytest tests

And to build the documentation (e.g. in html):

make -C docs html


Contributions are always welcome! Please open a pull request to discuss the code additions.