
Python wrapper for jCompoundMapper molecular fingerprints

jCompoundMapper, molecular, fingerprints, cheminformatics, toxicoinformatics, QSAR
pip install jcompoundmapper-pywrapper==0.0.2


License: MIT

Python wrapper for jCompoundMapper molecular fingerprints

Python wrapper to ease the calculation of jCompoundMApper molecular fingerprints.


From source:

git clone https://github.com/OlivierBeq/jcompoundmapper_pywrapper.git
pip install ./jcompoundmapper_pywrapper

with pip:

pip install jcompoundmapper-pywrapper

Get started

from jcompoundmapper_pywrapper import JCompoundMapper
from rdkit import Chem

smiles_list = [
  # erlotinib
  # midecamycin
  # selenofolate
  # cisplatin
mols = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) for smiles in smiles_list]

jcm = JCompoundMapper()

One can use any of the following fingerprints: DFS, ASP, AP2D, AT2D, AP3D, AT3D, CATS2D, CATS3D, PHAP2POINT2D, PHAP3POINT2D, PHAP2POINT3D, PHAP3POINT3D, ECFP, ECFPVariant, LSTAR, SHED, RAD2D, RAD3D or MACCS.

By default, 1024 bits fingerprints are generated, except for the 166 bits MACCS.

jcm = JCompoundMapper('ECFP')
print(jcm.calculate(mols, 2048))

# or

from jCompoundMapper_pywrapper import Fingerprint

jcm = JCompoundMapper(Fingerprint.DFS)
print(jcm.calculate(mols, 2048))

⚠️ Molecules with 3D conformers must be provided to calculate 3D fingerprints (i.e. CATS3D, PHAP2POINT3D, PHAP3POINT3D and RAD3D).

One can specify advanced parameters to the fingerprinter:

from jCompoundMapper_pywrapper import DEFAULT_FP_PARAMETERS

custom_ecfp_params = DEFAULT_FP_PARAMETERS['ECFP']
custom_ecfp_params.depth = 6

jcm = JCompoundMapper('ECFP', custom_ecfp_params)


def calculate(mols, nbits=1024, show_banner=True, njobs=1, chunksize=1000):

Default method to calculate jCompoundMapper fingerprints.


  • mols : Iterable[Chem.Mol]
    RDKit molecule objects for which to obtain jCompoundMapper fingerprints.
  • nbits : Union[int, List[int]]
    Size of the fingerprints.
  • show_banner : bool
    Displays default notice about jCompoundMapper.
  • njobs : int
    Maximum number of simultaneous processes.
  • chunksize : int
    Maximum number of molecules each process is in charge of.