
Jira Issues Auto Verification

automation, jira, verification
pip install jiav==0.1.1



This repository is a Proof of Concept.

Limitations And Words Of Caution

This tool is only tested against self-hosted (data center version) Jira.
I have no access to a cloud Jira instance.

Since this tool executes commands locally, we should avoid trusting public comments as much as possible.
It will default to scanning only private comments (regardless of the visibility group). It is possible to read from public comments if you understand the potential risk, this might cause to your systems.

The output of verification steps is also not uploaded as attachments by default because it is impossible to limit attachments' visibility, refer to JRASERVER-3893. It is possible to attach the output if you understand the potential risk, this might expose sensitive information.


jiav flow

Jira Issues Auto Verification.
This tool aims to provide an auto-verification framework for Jira issues.
Users provide a YAML-formatted comment in Jira issues, and the tool will execute it. On successful execution, the issue will move to the desired status.

Example of a manifest:

  verified_status: "Done" # Status has to be present in the project workflow
    - name: Check line exists in file
      backend: line
      path: /path/to/file
      line: hello_world

jiav allows developers to build custom backends; refer to the documentation guide.
An example of a backends shipped externally:

  • jiav-backend-ansible this is a risky backend since it allows users to run arbitrary code. Be cautious when enabling it.
  • jiav-backend-command This is a risky backend since it allows users to run arbitrary code. Be cautious when enabling it.


jiav requires Python >= 3.8.


Visit https://jiav.readthedocs.io.


Install from remote:

pip3 install jiav

Install from the local repository:

pip3 install .


After installing this tool jiav command is available.

There are several sub-commands available, to view them execute jiav:

usage: jiav [-v | --version] [-d | --debug] <command> [<args>]

Global flags
  -v --version  prints version
  -d --debug   show debug

Available commands
  verify        Verifies issues
  list-backends    List available backends
  validate-manifest  Validate jiav manifest


Attempt to verify issues from a list of issues:

jiav --debug verify --jira='<JIRA_URL>' --access-token='<ACCESS_TOKEN>' --issue='<KEY-1>' --issue='<KEY-2>'

Attempt to verify issues from a JQL and output the result in JSON format:

jiav --debug verify --jira='<JIRA_URL>' --access-token='<ACCESS_TOKEN>' --query='issue = "KEY-1"' --format='json'

List backends

List installed backends:

jiav list-backends

Validate manifest

Validate jiav manifest from a file:

jiav —debug validate-manifest —from-file=/path/to/file


All contributions are welcome!

To install in development mode, use poetry:

pip3 install poetry
poetry install --with=main,dev

If proposing new pull requests, please ensure that new/existing tests are passing:
