A practical templating tool for Jinja templates

jinja, template, jinja2, kubernetes, cli
pip install jinny==1.0.1



Jinny is a templating tool for jinja templates. It can be used for a number of things but was created from a DevOps perspective to aid in configuration management for scaled deployments instead of using tools like Helm, Kustomize, jinja-cli, etc. These days jinny is still used for Ops work but is also used for live applications handling email templating, static HTML generation and more

CLI Usage Examples

=> Templating multiple templates with a single input file:
$ jinny -t template-1.txt template-2.txt -i inputs.yml

=> Templating any number of templates with two input files where base-values.yml provides all the base values and any values in overrides.json acts as an override:
$ jinny -t template.yml -i base-values.yml overrides.json

=> Use an environment value file for templating
$ jinny -t template.yml -i ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES.env

=> Add an explicit override via CLI argument -e
$ jinny -t template.yml -i base-values.yml -e 'image=smasherofallthings/flask-waitress:latest'

=> Add even more overrides via environment variables, so your pipelines can completely replace any bad value:
$ JINNY_overridden_value="top-priority" jinny -t template.yml -i base-values.yml overrides.json

=> Pump all your files to a single stdout stream with a separator so different files are clearly marked:
$ jinny -t template-1.yml template-2.yml -i inputs.json -s '---'

=> Dump all your templated files into a directory for capture, comparison and deployment
$ jinny -t template-1.yml template-2.yml -i inputs.json -d /path/to/directory
$ kubectl diff -f /path/to/directory
$ kubectl apply --server-dry-run -f /path/to/directory

=> Pipe jinny to kubectl directly
$ jinny -t template-1.yml -i inputs.json | kubectl apply -f -


Jinny has a lot of functionality, settings and more. You can review the documentation at - https://jinny.southall.solutions.

The documentation is a single HTML page built with Jinny. The source code for the site is at docs/* and contains:

  • The main index.html page
  • docs/inputs/* - containing yml files that cover separate content and configuration
  • docs/partials/* - covering separate HTML parials which jinny collates into the single page
  • docs/css/* && docs/js/* - static files that jinny dynamically loads in a build time with the templating provided at index.html
  • docs/img/* - static images that jinny reads, base64 encodes and integrates directly into the HTML
  • All the other frontend stuff

The directory tree is as standard as you can expect, but with jinny's features the whole functionality is compiled and deployed into a single HTML page.