
Automatically convert Latex documents into PDFs when uploading to JIRA.

pip install jirafs-latex==2.0



This plugin provides two latex features for Jirafs --

  • Automatically conversion of latex documents into PDF documents before uploading the PDF to JIRA.
  • A {latex} macro block you can use in comments and ticket descriptions for embedding inline images or PDFs into your text.


  1. Install from PIP:

    pip install jirafs-latex
  2. Enable for a ticket folder:

    jirafs plugins --enable=latex

Note that you can globally enable this (or any) plugin by adding the --global flag to the above command:

jirafs plugins --global --enable=latex


  • Requires xelatex.

Using the Automatic Latex Compiler

Simply place a file with a .tex extension in your ticket folder. It'll be compiled into a PDF automatically, and the PDF will be uploaded to JIRA (not the .tex file) next time you push changes to JIRA.

Using the {latex} Macro Block

Enter a latex block like so:



\title{Introduction to \LaTeX{}}
\author{Author's Name}


The abstract text goes here.

Here is the text of your introduction.

    \alpha = \sqrt{ \beta }

\subsection{Subsection Heading Here}
Write your subsection text here.

    \caption{Simulation Results}

Write your conclusion here.


The above will be replaced with inline image JIRA markup (in this case, !somefilename.pdf!) when submitting these changes to JIRA.

You must specify a name parameter in your opening {latex} tag; that's the filename that will be uploaded to JIRA next time you submit changes. Also, note that if you have the standalone latex plugin installed and use it to convert your latex documents into PNG images instead, you should specify a filename ending in png in your name parameter.

This is probably not important to you, but if you're curious about how this works: what is happening here is the plugin writes your latex content to a file, then asks xelatex to compile your document, then once that process has completed, all files except the one matching the name you've submitted are deleted. After this point, everything works exactly as it does when you're uploading a normal file.