
Tools for inspecting, comparing, & cleaning JSON-Lines files

pip install jltool==1.1.0


JLTool - Tools for JSON-Lines Records

by Cathal Garvey, ©2016, Released under terms of the GNU AGPLv3 or later

The JSON-Lines format is a clean alternative to comma-separated values as a means to store data records in a scaleable, flat manner, for cases where a database is too much but a flat JSON file is inefficient.

JLTool is a tool for working with JSON-Lines records; it assists in schema validation, duplicate detection, de-duplication and normalisation, and 'grepping' using objectpath queries.

ObjectPath is supported for most operations; in particular, for fetching a unique, representative ID from objects for purposes of deduplication or diffing documents. For grepping, ObjectPath can be used to query for matching rows.

Installing JLTool with python3 setup.py install or pip install jl will install the jltool command-line tool, which is the primary intended purpose. However, for operations on files the subcommands of jltool are all available in the jltool import if desired. Just open it in ipython and take a look at the docs on the command functions for more information.

Usage Examples

Say you have a JSON-Lines file 'records.jsonl' containing records that look like this:

{"type": "email", "value": "cathal@isgre.at", "meta": {"foo": "bar"} }

..which is similar enough to the job I needed doing, when I wrote jltool. :)

Many of the commands use objectpath, as an optional way of selecting or uniquifying records. Check the documentation there for info.

For some commands that require a 'fingerprint' for a record in order to work (dedupe, report, diff, clean), if an objectpath selector is not given then a fingerprint will be generated by normalising objects (sorted keys) and hashing the resulting JSON.

This may be highly misleading for some kinds of data, for example when a record may represent an updated form of another record, differing only in timestamp. However do note that in such cases (update records), the first matching result is kept, discarding the rest, by default. This may also not be desired behaviour. An option to reverse this behaviour may be added in the future, but would mean loading everything into memory. Meanwhile, pipe files backwards-linewise using tac (on Linux, obviously) to approximate a reversal of this behaviour.

Get a Report

The report subcommand returns a report on the size and structure of a file, including reporting common keys and keys that have an uncertain type/schema:

$ jltool report records.jsonl
Number of records: 13
Number of Duplicates: 0
Common keys: {'type': {'string'}, 'value': {'string'}, 'meta': {'object'}}

Filtering Reports

The grep subcommand allows the use of objectpath queries to filter a JSONL file. The objectpath query must evaluate to a boolean. If desired, deduplication may be done prior to selection, by passing a -s selector by which to deduplicate records, but if no -s selector is given then no deduplication is performed.

$ cat records.jsonl
{"type": "email", "value": "foo@bar.com", "meta": {}}
{"type": "twitter", "value": "onetruecathal", "meta": {"awesomeness": 9001}}
{"type": "email", "value": "baz@qux.tld", "meta": {"lol": "wut"}}
$ jltool grep '$.type is "twitter"' records.jsonl
{"type": "twitter", "value": "onetruecathal", "meta": {"awesomeness": 9001}}

Difference Between Two files

The diff command reports records that are present in one file and not the other. This is done without regard to order, and hashes or representative extracted strings are stored in memory during this operation, so for very large files this may consume a lot of RAM.

By default, this uses the hash of a normalised form of each line as a fingerprint, but this is obviously not ideal in cases where metadata, timestamps or other bits may cause two functionally identical records to appear different.

To fix this, you can use objectpath queries to extract a representative string according to your needs, by passing an objectpath query with the -s flag. This is also true of many ensuing commands, not just diff.

$ # Observe query that pulls out type and value for a unique reference..
$ jltool diff -s '$.type + ":" + $.value' records.jsonl others.jsonl
<<<  50: {"meta": {"job": "http://www.lol.org"}, "type": "email", "value": "kboo@lol.foo"}
<<<  51: {"meta": {"job": "http://www.baaa.com"}, "type": "email", "value": "adonis@rap.com"}
>>>   0: {"meta": {"job": "http://nonsense.com/"}, "type": "twitter", "value": "nonsense"}


The dedupe command reports duplicate records. This is where objectpath queries may become relevant, because the same "record" may have different metadata attached, and may therefore appear to be different if simply serialised as ordered JSON, which is the default.

Note that due to the linewise way reports are made, this may issue notifications of duplicates several times as additional duplicates appear, as in the below example.

$ jltool dedupe records.jsonl
Duplicate of line   0 at lines: [13]
Duplicate of line   2 at lines: [15]
Duplicate of line   2 at lines: [15, 28]
Duplicate of line   5 at lines: [18, 31]
Duplicate of line  10 at lines: [23, 36, 49]
Duplicate of line  12 at lines: [25, 38, 51]
Found  39 duplicates.


The clean subcommand normalises, minifies, and deduplicates jsonl files. It should be used with similar care to other optional-query commands as, if a query is incorrectly formed, it may result in loss of data.

$ ls -lah
drwxr-sr-x 4 cathal cathal 4.0K May 31 16:39 .
drwxrwxr-x 3 cathal cathal 4.0K May 30 19:52 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cathal cathal  10K May 31 15:43 records.jsonl
$ jltool clean records.jsonl dedupe.jsonl
$ ls -lah
drwxr-sr-x 4 cathal cathal 4.0K May 31 16:39 .
drwxrwxr-x 3 cathal cathal 4.0K May 30 19:52 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cathal cathal 2.4K May 31 16:42 dedupe.jsonl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cathal cathal  10K May 31 15:43 records.jsonl