Jmbo Neo Web Services integration app.

pip install jmbo-neo==0.1



jmbo-neo provides integration with Neo Web Services for jmbo and jmbo-foundry. It syncs jmbo-foundry's Member objects with consumers in the Neo data hubs. Syncing refers to the creation, modification and deactivation of Neo consumers as Member objects are created, modified and deactivated.

Authentication-related actions are also performed via Neo Web Services. These include logging in and out and changing passwords. jmbo-neo also supports a number of other Neo API calls. These, in addition to the above mentioned, can be invoked as necessary in other jmbo apps.


System libraries

  • libxml2-dev
  • libxslt-dev

Python packages

  • python-lxml
  • requests

jmbo-neo uses ( to generate Python classes from Neo XML schemas.


neo.api contains functions for all the supported Neo API calls. Consumer calls require either a consumer ID or consumer object (or both). If a consumer has been created for a particular Member, a corresponding NeoProfile object will be stored in the database. So to obtain the consumer ID, use neo.models.NeoProfile(

A consumer object is an instance of neo.xml.Consumer. Consumer should not be instantiated directly. Internally, jmbo-neo uses neo.xml.parseString(response.content) to create a consumer object from the XML return by Neo Web Services. This object will be returned when calling, for instance, neo.api.get_consumer. To access this consumer object, you should use the wrapper class neo.utils.ConsumerWrapper. It has all the necessary getter and setter methods to correctly manipulate the consumer object, ensuring the resulting XML is valid.

When using jmbo-neo, all non-required Member fields will be null, or set to their default values. Queries on Member objects will return incorrect results.


The following settings must be added to

NEO = {
    'URL': ''
    'APP_ID': '1',
    'VERSION_ID': '1.3',
    'PROMO_CODE': 'testPromo',  # if there is a single promo code for the website
    'BRAND_ID': 35,  # if there is a single brand for the website
    'PASSWORD': 'password',  # http basic auth password

AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('neo.backends.NeoBackend',)


  1. Replace with lxml.objectify.
  2. Mock testing calls to Neo API using mock.