
Send notifications about new job listings.

pip install jobnotify==0.1.0


Job Notify

jobnotify is a command-line utility to help alert you to new job postings.


This project requires Python >= 3.6.0



It is recommended to install this application in a virtual environment.

The easiest way to install this project is via pip:

$ pip install jobnotify

Alternatively, you can clone the repository to get the source code.

$ git clone
$ cd jobnotify
$ pip install .

This will ensure that the application is set up correctly.



  1. Sign up for an Indeed Publisher account and log in.
  2. Click on the Job Search API tab. Under Sample Request section you will find your publisher ID. Take note of this key, as you will need it later.


To receive notifications via email, you will need a Gmail account to send the emails.

While it may be possible to use an existing Gmail account to both send and receive the emails, this option has not been tested. This option also comes with a downside in that your password to this account will be stored in plaintext on your machine. If this is your primary account this is certainly not desirable.

I recommend setting up a new account to send the notification emails. This is a quick process and the account can be used in future for other notification tasks. Now, we will quickly set up an App password for this application.

  1. When you have set up your account, click on your avatar in the top-right, and navigate to My Account.
  2. Under Sign-in & security click on the Signing into Google link.
  3. Click on App passwords.
  4. Generate a password and take note of this. This will be needed when configuring jobnotify.


If you wish to receive job notifications via Slack, then please follow the instructions in Slack Configuration.


Your configuration file for jobnotify will be located in ~/.jobnotify, and will be named jobnotify.config.

The quickest way to get a skeleton configuration file is by running the application with the -c or --config flag as follows:

$ jobnotify --config

The will set-up the .jobnotify application data directory in your home directory.

You will need to edit the jobnotify.config file and fill out valid values. Terms in brackets [] are sections. There are a number of required fields for each section, detailed below:

[indeed] section

Key Description
key Indeed API Publisher Key
location Location/city to search - e.g., dublin.
country Country code to search - e.g., ie for Ireland, gb for the United Kingdom.
query Job search term - e.g., data scientist.

[email] section

Key Description
email_from Email address of account which will send notification.
password Password of account which will send notification.
email_to Recipient email address.

Optional parameters

These optional keys are included under the email section.

Key Description
name Recipient first name (used only to personalise email message).
sender_name Name for account sending the email, e.g., Job-Notify.
signature Sign-off used in email message.

[slack] section

More detail can be found in the Slack Configuration document.

Key Description
token Slack token for your bot.
channel Name of the Slack channel to post to. You must also include the #, e.g., #jobs.

[notify_via] section

The values for the keys below should be true or false. Note that at least one option must be set true below.

Key Description
email Send notifications via email.
slack Send notifications via Slack.


Before running jobnotify, make sure that you have followed the instructions under the Prerequisites and Configuration sections above.

To run simply execute the following:

$ jobnotify

To run this application automatically, one can use a cron job. To edit your crontab file, execute the following:

$ crontab -e

Say for example, you wished to run the application four times a day, at 09:00, 13:00, 18:00 and 22:00. Your crontab entry would resemble the following:

* 9,13,18,22 * * * /home/matthew/miniconda3/envs/jn/bin/jobnotify

In the example above, note that I have provided the full path to the jobnotify application. In the case above, I had pip install``ed ``jobnotify to a new virtual environment named jn. To find the full path to the application you can run:

$ which jobnotify

from your terminal.


If you wish to manually run the application, there are some command-line options available, detailed below:

-v, --verbose Turn on logging to file. This will output a file named .jobnotify.log in your current directory.
-c, --config Used to create the .jobnotify application data directory and sample configuration file.
-f FILE, --file=FILE
  Path to alternate configuration file. Defaults to ~/.jobnotify/jobnotify.config


If you encounter any issues, please carry out the following:

  1. Run the application with the -v or --verbose flag. This will create a log file in your current directory named .jobnotify.log.
  2. Capture any output from your terminal and add to a text file.

Create an issue and attach both files.