
CLI for fast, flexbile concatenation of tabular data using polars.

polars, data, processing, CSV, parquet, science
pip install joinem==0.1.5


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joinem provides a CLI for fast, flexbile concatenation of tabular data using polars


python3 -m pip install joinem


  • Lazily streams I/O to expeditiously handle numerous large files.
  • Supports CSV and parquet input files.
    • Due to current polars limitations, JSON and feather files are not supported.
    • Input formats may be mixed.
  • Supports output to CSV, JSON, parquet, and feather file types.
  • Allows mismatched columns and/or empty data files with --how diagonal and --how diagonal_relaxed.
  • Provides a progress bar with --progress.

Example Usage

Pass input filenames via stdin, one filename per line.

find path/to/*.parquet path/to/*.csv | python3 -m joinem -o out.parquet

Output file type is inferred from the extension of the output file name. Supported output types are feather, JSON, parquet, and csv.

find -name '*.parquet' | python3 -m joinem -o out.json

Use --progress to show a progress bar.

ls -1 path/{*.csv,*.pqt} | python3 -m joinem -o out.csv --progress

If file columns may mismatch, use --how diagonal.

find path/to/ -name '*.csv' | python3 -m joinem -o out.csv --how diagonal

If some files may be empty, use --how diagonal_relaxed.


usage: [-h] [--version] [--progress]
                   [--how {vertical,horizontal,diagonal,diagonal_relaxed}]

Concatenate CSV and/or parquet tabular data files.

positional arguments:
  output_file           Output file name

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --progress            Show progress bar
  --how {vertical,horizontal,diagonal,diagonal_relaxed}
                        How to concatenate frames. See <
                        polars/html/reference/api/polars.concat.html> for more information.

Provide input filenames via stdin. Example: find path/to/ -name '*.csv' | python3 -m joinem
-o out.csv