
A Tic Tac Toe game developed by joke

pip install jokettt==1.0.0


JokeTTT: a Tic Tac Toe game developed by joke

JokeTTT is a library providing tic tac toe structures useful to develop games based on several kind of players. It was developed just for fun and to learn Python and some concepts of machine learning.

Project setup

The project has been tested only with python3 on Ubuntu Linux. If you have python3 installed in your machine, just install the package with the usual pip command.

To avoid the usual problems with messy Python configurations (python 2 vs. 3, packages to install, etc.), conda is used for development.

For those that wants to do the same and does not know conda, this is a a quick reference:

If you have conda installed, enter the project directory (the one with the environment.yml file) and enter the following command:

conda env create

This shall be done only the one time. After this the jokettt conda environment is created. It can be activated with the command:

conda activate jokettt

To update the conda environment every time that the environment.yml is changed, enter the command:

conda env update

Demo programs

For example of simple applications that uses the jokettt classes, see the jokettt_demo repository.
