
A CLI to manage daily journal entries

pip install josephhaaga-clerk==0.0.1



Interrogate docstring coverage status

Simple CLI to create new Markdown journal entry files.


$ journal
# Creates or re-opens today's journal

$ journal tomorrow
# Creates or re-opens tomorrow's journal

$ journal last friday
# Creates or re-opens last friday's journal


$ pipx install josephhaaga-clerk && pipx ensurepath


Create a .clerkrc file in your home directory that looks like the following, but fill in your own details. For example, here's mine!

journal_directory=~/journals  # where your journals will be created
preferred_editor=vi  # or code, nano, emacs, babi
date_format=%%Y-%%m-%%d  # double % required - used in datetime's strftime()
file_extension=md  # or rst, txt

Note: ini files don't support comments; remove those!


As of v0.0.2, you can add custom callback functions. Simply add the callback name in your .clerkrc, and ensure the package is installed!

For example, here's how you'd configure clerk-timestamp to fire every time you open a journal



Callback-specific configuration can be provided in a separate block in your .clerkrc config file (see clerk-timestamp example)

Custom Callback functions

Callback functions receive the entire journal document as a list of lines List[str], and can return their own List[str] of lines that will overwrite the document. (return None or False if you don't wish to make any changes)

Note that callback functions are called in the order they're listed, so in the following configuration, will receive the output of the first callback function. In the following example, timestamp receives the output of fortune-cookie



Available Hooks

All hooks have the following interface


  • a Sequence[str] representing the lines in the journal document
  • a Mapping containing any user-provided configuration

Output: a List[str] representing the updated journal document (returning None or False will prevent any update)

New journal created

The NEW_JOURNAL_CREATED hook runs whenever the user opens a journal file that does not exist yet.

Journal opened

The JOURNAL_OPENED hook runs whenever the user opens a journal file.

Journal saved

The JOURNAL_SAVED hook runs whenever a user saves their journal (resulting in the file's md5 hash changing).

Journal closed

The JOURNAL_CLOSED hook runs whenever a user closes their journal.


$ python3 -m pip install pytest pytest-cov pytest-xdist

# Re-run tests whenever a file is changed
$ PYTHONPATH=${PWD} python3 -m pytest -f