
Jupyter kernel for Zenroom. Small, secure and portable virtual machine for crypto language processing

pip install jupyter_zenroom_kernel==0.0.6


Decode logo          Software by Dyne

Jupyter zenroom kernel

Build Status PyPI - License PyPI

A Zenroom 🔑 Jupyter kernel that uses metakernel


  • Python 3
  • Zenroom


Before installing you probably want to create a virtual environment as per python best practices. Once you activate your virtualenv you can install the kernel with the following commands:

$ pip install jupyter_zenroom_kernel
$ python3 -m zenroom install --user

If the zenroom binary (shared or static) is installed system wide and/or is in your $PATH, then you just run jupyter as you would normally do

$ jupyter notebook

If the binary is not in your path you have to set an environment variable ZENROOM_BIN with the absolute path of the binary

Step by step installation for 🐍 noobs


What is zenroom?

Zenroom is a brand new, small and portable virtual machine for cryptographic operations and is part of the DECODE project about data-ownership and technological sovereignty. You can read more about it on https://zenroom.dyne.org/


  • zenroom_exec_buf
  • foldable json rendering
  • cell syntax highlighting
  • mark lines on syntax errors
  • unit testing
  • better documentation
  • code completion