
A Python package for automating grading of Jupyter notebook files.

education, autograder, jupyter, notebook, data-science, github-actions, jupyter-notebook
pip install jupyterquest==0.3.0


quartoquest: The Concise .qmd Autograder


quartoquest is a powerful and efficient autograder designed to enhance the quality of .qmd (Quarto Markdown) files. Integrated with GitHub Actions, it automates the evaluation process for coding projects, focusing on code style, organization, commit clarity, and repository structure. It's an ideal tool for educators and teams seeking to ensure high standards in coding and documentation.


  • Code Style Checks: Ensures adherence to coding best practices, including spacing, line length, and more.
  • Code Organization: Evaluates the logical structure and readability of code.
  • Commit Quality Analysis: Monitors the quality and quantity of Git commits.
  • Repository Structure Validation: Checks for correct file organization and naming conventions.
  • Automated and Customizable: Easy to integrate and customize according to specific grading needs.

Getting Started


  • GitHub account and basic understanding of GitHub Actions.
  • Familiarity with .qmd file format.


  1. Fork or Clone the Repository:

    • Fork this repository to your GitHub account or clone it directly to your local machine.
  2. Set Up GitHub Actions:

    • Navigate to your project's repository on GitHub.
    • Go to the 'Actions' tab and set up a workflow using the provided autograder.yml file.
  3. Customize Autograder Settings (optional):

    • Modify the autograder.py script to tailor the grading criteria to your specific requirements.


  • Integration: Once set up, QuartoQuest will automatically run whenever a push is made to your repository.
  • Results: After each run, the autograder will provide a report in the specified format, highlighting areas of improvement and success.


Contributions to QuartoQuest are welcome! Please read our contributing guidelines to learn about how you can contribute to this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Support and Contact

For support or inquiries, please open an issue in this repository.