
OpenZIM export command for ka-lite

ka-lite-zim zim openzim kalite
pip install ka-lite-zim==



https://travis-ci.org/benjaoming/ka-lite-zim.png?branch=master https://readthedocs.org/projects/ka-lite-zim/badge/?version=latest

OpenZIM export command for ka-lite.

Quick Start

You should use our docker : openzim/kalite. (Without docker see at end of README.rst)

docker run -v [your folder here]:/data openzim/kalite kalite manage export2zim /data/[zim name].zim [--language=[code lang]] --tmp-dir=/data/[tmp folder name] --download

For exemple :

docker run -v /tmp:/data openzim/kalite kalite manage export2zim /data/ka-fr.zim --language=fr --tmp-dir=/data/ka-lite-zim_fr --download

You can found [code lang] here in the tab : List of languages <https://ka-lite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/faq.html#how-can-i-install-a-language-pack-without-a-reliable-internet-connection>

Your zim will be at : [your folder here]/[zim name].zim

Interact with kalite

If you run docker interactively with "-ti":

you can launch export script with kalite manage export2zim

Don't forget --download options if you haven't video in your ~/.kalite cache

Usage is available at kalite manage help export2zim

Beware! Despite what usage/help says, the proper parameter order is zim_file first then options. Example: kalite manage export2zim ka-fr.zim --language=fr


  • Exporting the contents of a local KA Lite installation to the OpenZim
  • Easy to customize since you use KA Lite to select and download videos
  • Creates a .zim file with a single-page webapp containing video player and simple JS-based UI for filtering and searching the videos

Use case and contributions

This project is a Python project but is NOT on PyPi because it's not intended for a wider audience. So just get the latest master, it should work with the latest KA Lite release. Please contribute to this project if you have changes to the .zim files that are available on the Kiwix website

The goal of this command is to build an alternative use case of Khan Academy for the popular offline reader Kiwix, which works for the open standards format OpenZim. Thus, it can benefit from the data prepared through the KA Lite software.

While KA Lite is truly built for education, Kiwix is more of an eLibrary. While Kiwix and OpenZim is more static, KA Lite has its focus on interaction.


The export command for KA Lite is the immediate and easiest target. But we hope to be able to understand the OpenZIM format well enough to build an import command as well such that KA Lite students can interact with the data packaged and distributed by zim-packagers.

Without docker

You can also use virtualenv but it's harder...because current code base is tied to version 0.15.1 of KA-Lite which fails to install from non-prehistoric pip, so we use prehistoric pip in virtualenv.

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 kalite-env
source kalite-env/bin/activate

mkdir -p ~/.kalite
echo "from kalite.project.settings.base import *" >> ~/.kalite/settings.py
echo "INSTALLED_APPS += ['kalite_zim', 'compressor',]\n" >> ~/.kalite/settings.py
pip install django>=1.5,<1.6
pip install pip==7.0.0
pip install setuptools==12.0
pip install ka-lite==0.15
pip install ka-lite-zim

Note: if using the Docker zimwriterfs, make sure to work off the same absolute path of your docker volume (/data for example) for symlinks can be resolved. See "Interact with kalite" section for how using it.

ln -s /data/ /home/user/kalite
kalite manage export2zim /data/ka-fr.zim --language=fr --tmp-dir=/data/ka-lite-zim_fr
docker run --name zimwriterfs -v /data:/data openzim/zimwriterfs zimwriterfs XXX