
A service for placing prioritised packages with expiry times on a queue and having a consumer notified of the packages

pip install kamikaze==0.1.1



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A service for placing prioritised packages with expiry times on a queue and having a consumer notified of the packages

How it works

This service monitors a Redis sorted set and calls a consumer function when a new package arrives or the current highest priority package expires. The consumer function can be a regular Python function or an asyncio coroutine.

How to install

pip install kamikaze

The consumer function

The consumer function is the function that is called when a new message comes to the top of the queue. The function should be of the format:

def consumer_function(package, *args):
    Does stuff with packages and optional args passed from the command line

Long running consumer functions

If the consumer function is long running then it should yield control of the loop when possible. Otherwise the kamikaze service will be slow to react to changes in the queue.

Fast running consumer function

If the consumer function is fast then there will be no need to yield control to the main loop until it is complete.

Running the service

Start the service by running the following:

kamikaze service <consumer-function-path> --consumer-function-args

The consumer function should be the full path to the python coroutine. It must be in your $PYTHONPATH.

Give the --help flag for a full list of options.


Pushing a Package

Use the push command to add a package to the queue:

kamikaze push <payload> <ttl> <priority>

Removing a Package

Use the remove command to remove a package from the queue:

kamikaze remove <payload>

List Packages on Queue

Use the list command to list all packages on the queue:

kamikaze list

Running the examples

Yielding example

An example of a yielding function can be run like so:

kamikaze service example_consumer.consumer.yielding_consumer_func

Blocking example

An example of a blocking function can be run like so:

kamikaze service example_consumer.consumer.blocking_consumer_func