
A context manaager to reload urls routing in unittests changing a django setting.

pip install karpyncho-reload-urls==0.1.1


Karpyncho Reload-Urls

PyPI version PyPI Supported Python Versions check codecov


This package main goal is to extend unittest to have a context manager that can change a setting and then reload the django urls routing.

Without this package if a url.py file that defines the urlpatterns to be using by the django routing module have a conditional url like:

if setting.DEBUG:
    urlpatterns += [url("home", my_home_view, name="home")]

this routing will be loaded only once in the pytest suit, and depending on the django_settings_module file configuration, the routing will be loaded with (or without) the optional url. If in a test method, self.settings(DEBUG=True) is used the routing will not be reloaded

With this package you can inherit from karpyncho.reload_urls.ReloadUrlsContextManager and then use the method self.reload_url(url_module, settings) within a context. When the context is freed, first the setting is removed, and then the urls are reloaded again

For example:

from django.urls import reverse, NoReverseMatch

from karpyncho.reload_urls import TestCaseReloadableURL

class TestExample(TestCaseReloadableURL):
    def test_example(self):
        with self.reload_urls(None, ADD_HELLO_URL=True):
        with self.assertRaises(NoReverseMatch):

reload_url method

this method is added to the class django.tests.TestCase, the paramters are:

  • urls_module: a string with the specific app url module to be reloaded (ie: "my_app.urls"). If None, the url module definen in settings.ROOT_URLCONF is reloaded
  • **settings: the keywords parameters, each key is the setting to be overriden, just as the with self.settings(**settings) works


pip install karpyncho_reload_urls


Future improvements

  • Fix potential bugs