
View information on Kattis problems and download sample data.

kattis, parsing, beautifulsoup, materials, python
pip install kattis-problem-setup==1.0.2



Download the sample data for any problems from Kattis.


The project is built in Python 3.


To install, simply clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/bradendubois/kattis-problem-setup
cd kattis-problem-setup


To run the project, simply run the main.py either directly, or in Python, with any number of problem IDs provided.

./main.py PROBLEM_1 PROBLEM_1


python main.py PROBLEM_1 PROBLEM_2

where PROBLEM would be the ID of a problem.

Example: If there were sample material for the problem Hello World!, where the ID is hello, usage would be:

pythom main.py hello

and output would be:

Parsing: hello 

Title: Hello World!
ID: hello
CPU Time Limit: 5 seconds
Memory Limit: 1024 MB
Difficulty: 1.2


The description of each problem is not downloaded.

Kattis Terms of Service is clear (see 2. License for content); materials cannot be (a) copied or (b) publically displayed. This script gets uninformative information on memory limits / CPU time, etc. but does not represent materials concerning the problem itself. It would be a clear violation of the TOS to copy, or likely facilitate copying, the actual description of each problem.

Can it copy all the problems from Kattis?

It could be easily made to download a description of every problem from Kattis, but for the same reasons as above, it will not be implemented.


  • Kattis, for hosting fun competitive programming problems.
  • Beautiful Soup, still the best choice for web scraping in Python.