
Python package source for KELLER protocol

pip install keller-protocol==1.0.22


keller-protocol - The KELLER Protocol (Python)

General Pre-requirement:

  • A KELLER device is needed that can communicate with the Serial Port.
  • ...with a USB-COM converter cable (eg.K114 series) AND the needed FTDI driver (
  • ...or directly with a cable of the K-10X series


pip install keller-protocol


See for the Communication Protocol.

  1. Import the Keller Protocol ( in your Python Project:
from keller_protocol import keller_protocol as kp
  1. Define Communication settings like port, baud-rate (Default 9600), timeout (Default 0.3s) and echo (Default True):
transmitter = kp.KellerProtocol(
    port="COM17", baud_rate=9600, timeout=0.3, echo=True
  1. To be able to communicate with the transmitter you will have to use F48 first to initialize. Otherwise, an exception occurs. F48 will return the firmware version. Make sure the device address is correct. (Default 1). If only one transmitter is connected, you can use the "transparent" address 250.
device_address = 1
firmware = transmitter.f48(device_address)
  1. Read out current pressure value from the transmitter. You will receive the pressure value P1 with channel 1.
p1 = transmitter.f73(device_address, 1)

Usage Example with X Line

import keller_protocol.keller_protocol as kp
import time

class XLine:
    def __init__(self, port, baud_rate, address, timeout, echo=True):
        self.bus = kp.KellerProtocol(port, baud_rate, timeout, echo)
        self.address = address
        self.serial_number = None
        self.f73_channels = {
            "CH0": 0,
            "P1": 1,
            "P2": 2,
            "T": 3,
            "TOB1": 4,
            "TOB2": 5,
            "ConTc": 10,
            "ConRaw": 11,

    def init_f48(self) -> str:
        """Initialise and release"""
        answer = self.bus.f48(self.address)
        print(f" Init of Device Address: {self.address} with Firmware: {answer}")

    def get_serial(self) -> int:
        """Get Serial Number from X-Line

        :returns Serial Number
        self.serial_number = self.bus.f69(self.address)
        return self.serial_number

    def get_address(self) -> int:
        return self.address

    def set_address(self, new_address: int) -> int:
        """Change the Device address. -> Has to be unique on the RS485 bus

        :param new_address: New address of the Device
        :return: If successful return new_address otherwise old address and throw exception
        self.address = self.bus.f66(self.address, new_address)
        return self.address

    def measure_tob1(self) -> float:
        """Get temperature TOB1

        :return: temperature
        temperature = self.bus.f73(self.address, self.f73_channels["TOB1"])
        return temperature

    def measure_p1(self) -> float:
        """Get pressure P1

        :return: pressure
        pressure = self.bus.f73(self.address, self.f73_channels["P1"])
        return pressure

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Example usage:
    # Init transmitter
    transmitter = XLine(
        port="COM17", baud_rate=9600, address=1, timeout=0.3, echo=True
    serial_number = transmitter.get_serial()
    print(f"Transmitter serial number:{serial_number}")
    print("Press CTRL + C to quit")
    while True:
            p1 = transmitter.measure_p1()
            tob1 = transmitter.measure_tob1()
            print(f"Pressure P1:{p1:.3f} Temperature TOB1:{tob1:.3f}")
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

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