Basic module for interaction with KOI and Kepler-stellar tables.

pip install keputils==0.2.1



Basic module for interaction with KOI and Kepler-stellar tables.


pip install keputils

Installing will also install pandas, plotutils, and simpledist modules, if not already installed.

The first time you import keputils.koiutils, python will download the current cumulative KOI table in .csv form from the NASA Exoplanet Archive, and save it to ~/.keputils/kois_cumulative.csv. Also, the first time importing, it will ingest the .csv data and re-write it to an HDF5 file, from where it will read the data in the future (faster loading).

Similarly, the first time you import keputils.kicutils, python will download the Kepler stellar properties table, save it to the ~/.keputils directory, and put it into the HDF5 file for future fast loading.