
An extension of vt-py supporting local file cache

pip install kfinny.cachedvt==3.1.0



A cached extension of the official Python client for VirusTotal.


Create the CachedClient like so:

from kfinny.cachedvt import CachedClient

client = CachedClient(<apikey>, cache_dir=<some folder>)

The folder does not need to exist, but if it does, it should be empty or a prior cache from this library. The cache is sqlite database created by DiskCache.

The client may be used just as it is documented by the vt-py project. The codebase "adds" a single function to the client API, yield_file_report and can take a list of hashes.

# yield_file_report
hashes = [<list of md5,sha1,sha256 hashes>]

for obj in client.yield_file_report(hashes):
    assert(obj.type == 'file')
    print(f'{obj.md5} : {obj.sha1} : {obj.sha256}')

Files not found on VirusTotal are not returned, but they are cached, since the whole point of this library is to conserve quota.

>>> hits, misses = client.cache.stats()
>>> reports = list(client.yield_file_report('abcd'*16))
>>> reports
>>> _hits, _misses = client.cache.stats()
>>> assert(_misses - misses == 1)

Prior Versions

A previous version of this code worked with the virustotal-api last tested using this commit 551b87a.