
pip install kh2lib==0.2



This is the repository for a python library to assist with creating mods/codes to Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix +

Please create a GitHub issue if you have problems, or reach out to me on Discord (I'm in most of the kh2 modding related discords). Pull requests are also welcome!

The library can do the following (and more)

  • Extract/Patch/Repack KH2 iso's, (using KH2FM_Toolkit.exe)
  • Extract/Repack BAR files using openKH
  • Given a memdump of the running game, locate the offset where a given file is located
  • Given a source and modified file, generate codes to perform the changes in memory, without patching (useful for fast prototypes)
  • Provides lookup methods for objects (look up object id/name/mdlx based on just one of those)

To install run the following

pip install kh2lib

The library is most useful when used in conjunction with some other pieces of software, and detects their presence using the following environment variables

USE_KH2_EDITORENGINE - Is the path to the directory containing the openkh executables

example - C:\Users\12sam\Desktop\openkh

USE_KH2_GITPATH - Is the path to an extracted KH2 ISO

example - C:\Users\12sam\Desktop\Kingdom Hearts 2 Modding\ISO\export

USE_KH2_OUTPATH - Where the library should places created pnach files (usually the cheats folder of pcsx2)

example - C:\Users\12sam\Desktop\pcsx\PCSX2 1.6.0\cheats\F266B00B.pnach

USE_KH2_PATCHENGINEDIR - Is the path to a directory containing KH2FM_Toolkit.exe

example - C:\Users\12sam\Desktop\Kingdom Hearts 2 Modding\ISO


See the examples folder for examples on how to perform various tasks

Using KH2Lib - contains examples that demonstrate using various pieces of kh2lib functionality Other - Other useful scripts I made while researching different things, not exactly related to kh2lib functionality WIP - Work in Progress examples that may not work, or may be prototyping future features to kh2lib