Taiyi(太乙) is one of the three greatest Chinese Divination systems (三式) ever.

chinese, divination, liuren, prediction, qimen, taiyi, tool
pip install kintaiyi==0.2.2


Python 太乙神數 Kintaiyi 堅太乙 年計 月計 日計 時計 分計

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1. 導讀 Introduction





Tai Yi Shen Shu is a form of divination from China. It is also one of the Three Styles (三式; sānshì; 'three styles') of divination, the others being Da Liu Ren and Qi Men Dun Jia. Tai Yi Shen Shu is used to predict macroscopic events like wars or the meaning of supernovae. One form of Tai Yi Shen Shu has been popularized over the centuries to predict personal fortunes. Genghis Khan, emperor of China, referred to Tai Yi at one point to decide whether or not his planned invasion of Japan would succeed. When the Tai Yi count indicated that invasion would prove unsuccessful, Khan decided not to invade Japan that year. Numerous similar examples abound in classical Chinese literature, especially among the dynastic histories.

The methodology is quite similar to the other arts with a rotating heavenly plate and fixed earthly plate. While the art makes use of the 8 trigrams as well as the 64 hexagrams as a foundation, analysis is conducted from the Tai Yi Cosmic Board and the array of symbols found thereon, with special reference to the position of symbols in specific palaces. Important symbols include the Calculator, the Scholar, Tai Yi and Tai Yi, for example.

A number of spirits rotate around the sixteen palaces of the Tai Yi cosmic board, of which there are 72 cosmic boards for the Yin Dun period of each year, and 72 cosmic boards for the Yang Dun period of the year. The spirits land in different palaces with each configuration of the cosmic board. Each cosmic board contains a number of "counts" or numbers – the Host Count and the Guest Count taking primary importance over the Fixed Count.

含史事對照的太鳦排盤 https://kintaiyi.streamlitapp.com

Taiyishenshu, one of the Ancient Chinese Divinations, along with Qimendunjia and Dailiuren known as "three styles".

2. 安裝套件 Installation

	pip install kintaiyi
	pip install --upgrade sxtwl, numpy, ephem, cn2an 

3. 起課方式 Quickstart

	from kintaiyi import kintaiyi
	# 0 為年計;1 為月計;2 為日計:3 為時計;4 為分計
	{'太乙計': '月計', '公元日期': '-202年9月16日23時', '干支': ['戊戌', '辛酉', '庚戌', '丙子'], '農曆': {'年': -202, '月': 8, '日': 15}, '年號': '西漢高帝劉邦 高帝四年', '紀元': '第三紀第一甲子元', '時局': {'文': '陽遁十局', '數': 10}, '太乙': 4, '文昌': '丑', '太歲': '子', '合神': '丑', '計神': '寅', '始擊': '子', '定目': '子', '主算': [4, ['無天', '無地', '雜陽']], '客算': [11, ['無地', '陰中重陽']], '定算': [11, ['無地', '陰中重陽']], '九宮': {8: '大游', 3: '客參定參', 4: '主將太乙', 9: '', 5: '五風', 2: '主參八風', 7: '三風', 6: '', 1: '客將定將飛鳥小游'}, '十六宮': {'子': ['太歲', '始擊', '定目'], '丑': ['文昌', '合神', '四神'], '艮': [], '寅': [], '卯': [], '辰': ['君基'], '巽': ['五福'], '巳': ['民基'], '午': ['飛符', '太尊'], '未': ['臣基', '地乙'], '申': [], '坤': [], '酉': [], '戌': ['直符'], '乾': ['帝符'], '亥': ['天乙']}}
	{'太乙計': '時計', '公元日期': '658年5月31日0時', '干支': ['戊午', '丁巳', '丙子', '戊子'], '農曆': {'年': 658, '月': 4, '日': 24}, '年號': '唐高宗李治 永徽九年', '紀元': '丙子元第二紀', '時局': '陽遁37局', '太乙': 6, '文昌': '坤', '太歲': '子', '合神': '丑', '計神': '寅', '始擊': '未', '定目': '未', '主算': [7, ['無天', '雜陰']], '客算': [8, ['無天', '雜陽']], '定算': [8, ['無天', '雜陽']], '九宮': {8: '客將定將大游', 3: '五風', 4: '客參定參', 9: '', 5: '', 2: '八風', 7: '主將三風', 6: '太乙', 1: '主參飛鳥小游'}, '十六宮': {'子': ['太歲', '太尊'], '丑': ['合神'], '艮': [], '寅': [], '卯': [], '辰': ['君基', '臣基', '帝符'], '巽': [], '巳': [], '午': [], '未': ['始擊', '定目'], '申': ['民基'], '坤': ['文昌'], '酉': [], '戌': [], '乾': ['五福'], '亥': []}}