
Helpful additions to the Blinka library.

pip install kkblinka==0.0.2


Karol Krizka's Blinka Additions

Helpful addtions to the Blinka library.

SPI via Big Banging IO Pins

The SPIBitBanger class implements SPI using digital IO pins defined via the digitalio library.

Example with MAX31865

The example.py script shows how to use the MAX31865 Pt100 controller with the AdaFruit FT232H dongle. The MAX31865 board uses SPI phase 1 and control is thus not available via the busio.SPI package. However the FT232H can still use it by doing SPI via the generic IO pins.

Connect the following pins between your AdaFruit FT232H dongle and the MAX31865 board.

  • C0 to CLK
  • C1 to SDO
  • C2 to SDI
  • C3 to CS

Install the adafruit-circuitpython-max31865 library and execute the example Python script.

pip install adafruit-circuitpython-max31865
BLINKA_FT232H=1 python example.py