Enginering useful library

pip install kmisc==2.1.94


Open Kage's useful tools and class to public. (Long time used and upgraded) But, this is develope version. So, suddenly it will be big change when I got some more good idea. I re-groupped to library. and change name to klib


pip3 install kmisc

Import functions

Custom Dictionary Class

Convert Dictionary to Object style Dictionary


  1. Create tree type items
  2. Added New commands
    1. Put() : Put value at a item
    2. Get() : Get value of item
    3. Del() : Delete item
    4. Update() : Update value at item
    5. Print() : Print dictionary
    6. Diff() : Compare two dictionary
    7. Check() : Check put the value is same as the item(key)'s value
    8. List() : Return list of keys value
    9. Proper() : Show/Set/Update property at the item.
    10. Find() : Find data in the dictionary
    11. Load() : Load saved data from file
    12. Save() : dictionary save to file
    13. Sort() : Sort dictionary
    14. FirstKey(): Get first Key
    15. FirstKey(): Get first Key
  3. Added property at each key
  • Initialize dictionary
from kmisc import kDict
from kmisc import kDict
>>> test={
  • Add new data
>>> root.tree.apple.color='red'


>>> root.tree.apple.Put('color','red')


>>> root.tree.apple['color']='red'
  • Get data
>>> root.tree.apple.color.Get()


>>> root.tree.apple.Get('color')
  • Print dictionary
>>> root.Print()
>>> root.tree.Print()
  • Set property at Apple's color

    • Set readonly
>>> root.tree.apple.color.Proper('readonly',True)
  • Try change data
>>> root.tree.apple.Put('color','white')
item is readonly

>>> root.tree.Print()
{'color': {'._d': 'red', '._p': {'readonly': True}}}
  • Unset readonly
>>> root.tree.apple.color.Proper('readonly',False)
  • Try change data
>>> root.tree.apple.Put('color','white')
>>> root.tree.Print()
{'color': {'._d': 'red', '._p': {'readonly': True}}}

Sample Dictionary:

{'a': 123,
 'b': {'c': set(['ddd']), 'e': {}, 'z': 123},
 'tree': {'apple': {'color': {'._d': 'white', '._p': {'readonly': False}}},
          'banana': {'banana2': {'._d': 'white', '._p': {}},
                     'banana3': {'._d': 'yellow', '._p': {}},
                     'color': {'._d': 'yellow', '._p': {'readonly': True}}},
          'yellow': {'monkey': {'._d': 'white', '._p': {}}}}}
  • Find readonly property item path
>>> root.Find('readonly',property=True)
  • Find apple key path
>>> root.Find('apple',mode='key')
  • Find white color data path
>>> root.Find('white')
['tree/apple/color', 'tree/yellow/monkey', 'tree/banana/banana2']
  • Find 123 data path
>>> root.Find('white')
['a', 'b/z']
  • Find white color data path in key and value
>>> root.Find('yellow',mode='all')
['tree/yellow', 'tree/banana/color', 'tree/banana/banana3']
  • Save Data (always use root if not then save partial data)
>>> from kmisc import kDict
>>> kDict.kDict._dfile_='<dict file name>'
>>> root.Save()
  • Load Data (always use root if not then load at key)
>>> from kmisc import kDict
>>> kDict.kDict._dfile_='<dict file name>'
>>> root.Load()

MISC functions

Useful commands

Type : Similar as isinstance(,(chk,type))

>>> import kmisc as km
>>> km.Type('abc','str')
>>> True
>>> km.Type('abc',str)
>>> True

Copy: copy data for list,dict,str,int,tuple...

>>> new_data=Copy(<data>)

Join : Similar as os.path().join() Joining data of bytes,string,....

Next: Get data from list,tuple,dict,string

Delete : Delete data in list,tuple,dict,str

COLOR : class for console,html color string

FIND : find string or format data

DIFF : diff between data

LIST : handle list()

STR: handle string

TIME : handle time formats

SHELL : handle command run,progress,....

BYTES: handle byte data

CONVERT : data converter

MAC : handle mac address

VERSION : handle version

IP : handle IP address

GET: getting data from anywhere

IS: check the data

LOG: handle log data

HOST: handle Host Information

FILE: handle File (Read/Write)

WEB: handle web protocol data

EMAIL: handle email data

ANSI : handle hansi data

Multiprocessor : handle multi processing

FUNCTION: handle function information

SCREEN: handle ipmi SOL

CLI : handle Command Line Interface

Cut: cutting string to format

Get: Getting data from anywhere

Replace : replace string data

Insert : add data

Update: update data

printf : similar as printf in c

sprintf : similar as sprintf in c

Sort : sorting data

findXML : Get XML data

cat : similar as linux cat command

ls : similar as linux ls command

IsSame: check both data is same or not
