
Kolibri plugin to add a Zim file viewer

pip install kolibri-zim-plugin==1.4.0


Kolibri Zim plugin

This is a Kolibri plugin to add a Zim file viewer.

Kolibri Zim plugin showing Wikipedia


Install a release from pypi:

pip install kolibri-zim-plugin[full]

If you are using Kolibri 0.14.7, upgrade its bundled le-utils to the newest (unstable) version:

pip install git+https://github.com/learningequality/le-utils.git@master --target=$(python3 -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_paths()["purelib"])')/kolibri/dist --upgrade

Enable the plugin in Kolibri:

kolibri plugin enable kolibri_zim_plugin

Now, Zim content in Kolibri will be rendered using the Zim plugin.

For some example content, try adding the Wikipedia channel, either from Kolibri's user interface (you can use the channel token nurob-nikis) or with a management command:

kolibri manage importchannel network f62db29be20453c4a267132e93a9e602
kolibri manage importcontent network f62db29be20453c4a267132e93a9e602


Getting started

Create a pipenv shell and then install additional dependencies using bootstrap.sh:

pipenv shell

Install kolibri-zim-plugin in editable mode:

pip install -e .

To build front end code:

yarn build

Refer to the Usage instructions to upgrade le-utils and enable the plugin.

Submitting changes

Before submitting changes, please be sure to run the pre-commit checks:

pre-commit run

If you can configure git to run these checks automatically:

pre-commit install -f --install-hooks

Creating a release

If you are releasing a new version, use bump-version with with major, minor, or patch. For example:

yarn bump-version patch

This creates a new commit and a git tag. Push this to the remote:

git push
git push --tags

Create a .whl file:

yarn dist

The file will be placed in the dist/ directory.

Finally, upload the .whl file to PyPi:

yarn release