
A distributed testing framework

pip install ktf==0.1.5


NAME KTF - KSL Test Framework

SYNOPSIS KTF [ command-line switches ] [ filter(s) ]

DESCRIPTION KTF stands for 'KSL (Kaust Supercomputing Lab) Testing Framework'. It was designed and used to help in the construction and runs of benchmark campaign during the procurement on Shaheen II in 2014 and made available to all KSL users in June 2016.

   KTF  eases  the  scripting,  execution and monitoring of several jobs depending on a set of parameters whose all possible
   combination are gathered in a centralized text file called casefile

KTF Commands -h, --help Display all the available KTF options available from the command line.

   --init  Initialize the KTF environment, copying example case and template files into the current directory

   --exp   List every possible test cases described in the case file.

           Build and launch all the test cases described in the case file.

   --build Only build all the test cases to be launched and save them in a new test_<machine>20yymmdd-hh_mm_ss but does  not
           actually submit them to the machine. Option to be used to check wich jobs will be launched.

           monitors  the  status  of  the  jobs previously submitted and displays the obtained results gathered in a kind of
           dashboard that can easely be filtered and configured to the need of the user.

           lists the number of experiences, and dates of tests already made or ongoing that were launched from  the  current
           directory. These information can be used in filter --what or --when.

KTF Options --case-file=file.ktf reads the cases from the file given as argument instead of reading the default case file: _cases.ktf

          launches the selected cases several times.

KTF Filters --nb=case-number selects only the case numbered case-number when listing all of them with ktf --exp command.

          selects the only cases from the test cases file that match this patterns.

          selects the only cases from the tests already launched whose date matches this patterns.

          selects the only cases from the tests launched on the current day

   --now  selects the only cases from the tests launched on the current hour

Debugging Flags KTF returns a zero exist status if it succeeds to change to set the maximum speed of the cdrom drive. Non zero is returned in case of failure.

AUTHOR Written by Samuel Kortas (samuel.kortas (at) kaust.edu.sa)

REPORTING BUGS Report KTF bugs to help@hpc.kaust.edu.sa KTF home page: https://bitbucket.org/kaust_KSL/ktf KAUST Supercomputing Laboratory: http://hpc.kaust.edu.sa/

COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2016-2021 KAUST Supercomputing Laboratory License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

SEE ALSO A comprehensive presentation of KTF has been given by Samuel Kortas during the KSL Workshop entitled 'Boost your effi- ciency when dealing with multiple jobs on the Cray XC40 supercomputer Shaheen II' held at KAUST On Sunday June 5th 2016. The workshop slides can be freely downloaded from https://www.hpc.kaust.edu.sa/sites/default/files/files/public/many_jobs.pdf