
Simple CLI tool to create Kubernetes cluster on AWS EC2.

kubetwo, kube-two, kube2, kube-2, ansible, aws, kubernetes, kubespray, terraform
pip install kubetwo==0.4.0



kubetwo is a simple CLI tool to create Kubernetes clusters on AWS EC2 with just one command.

kubetwo will interact with Terraform and Ansible (Kubespray) for provisioning.


To use kubetwo, following tools are necessary.

Quick Start

1. Prerequisites

First, please install kubetwo package using pip or pip3 depending on your environment.

pip install kubetwo

For kubetwo to interact with Terraform, it's necessary to set environment variables about AWS credentials.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your_anaccesskey"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your_asecretkey"
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="your_region"

Then, you need to create SSH key without password for Ansible to access the EC2.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/kubetwo_id_rsa

Then set these SSH keys as environment variables.

export SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH="~/.ssh/kubetwo_id_rsa.pub"
export SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH="~/.ssh/kubetwo_id_rsa"

2 Spin up Kubernetes cluster

By running the following kubetwo create command, kubetwo will spin up AWS EC2 with Terraform and set up Kubernetes cluster with Ansible (Kubespray v2.16.0).

kubetwo create --cluster-name kubetwo-cluster

3. Access to the Kubernetes cluster

After the Kubernetes cluster is created, you can see admin.conf in the workspace. Setting KUBECONFIG will allow you to access the Kubernetes cluster.

export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubetwo_cluster/admin.conf

Let's check the Kubernetes cluster from your local machine. (If you don't have kubectl, please install it)

kubectl get nodes

4. Clean up

You can clean up newly created resources with kubetwo delete command. It will also delete workspace of kubetwo on your machine.

kubetwo delete --cluster-name kubetwo-cluster


kubetwo create

It will spin up AWS EC2 and create Kubernetes cluster.


Name Type Default Description
cluster-name string - Kubernetes cluster name
ami string ami-0c3fd0f5d33134a76 Amazon Machine Image of EC2 instance
instance-type string t3.medium Instance type of EC2 instance
control-plane int 1 Number of control planes
worker-node int 1 Number of worker nodes
open-ports string 80,443 Worker node ports to open for global (-1 will open all ports)
approve boolean false If true, kubetwo won't prompt you to approve for execution


kubetwo create \
--cluster-name kubetwo-cluster \
--control-plane 1 \
--worker-node 1 \
--open-ports 80,443

kubetwo scale

It will scale in/out worker nodes in Kubernetes cluster.


Name Type Default Description
cluster-name string - Kubernetes cluster name
worker-node int - Number of worker nodes
approve boolean false If true, kubetwo won't prompt you to approve for execution


kubetwo scale --cluster-name kubetwo-cluster --worker-node 2

kubetwo delete

It will remove newly created AWS resources and Kubernetes cluster. And also clean up the workspace of kubetwo on local machine.


Name Type Default Description
cluster-name string - Kubernetes cluster name
approve boolean false If true, kubetwo won't prompt you to approve for execution


kubetwo delete --cluster-name kubetwo-cluster